4 assignments
Question # 43728 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$18 |
Week 6 Discussion: Public
Health response to outbreaks Choose a recent (within the last 3 years)
outbreak or other public health emergency situation that has drawn
significant media attention. Describe how specific aspects of the
public health infrastructure contributed to either the emergency situation or
its solution. The Morbidity
and Mortality Weekly Report contents for recent weeks would be a
good place to look for recent outbreaks. NOTE: In your title of your post, state the
outbreak you chose. Each student should choose a unique
situation. ******************************************************************************************************************************* 300 words with references ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Healthcare
technologies can provide an opportunity to improve the quality of the data
but does not eliminate them. One of the most important steps in data
analytics is to verify that data sources are accurate, in order to produce
usable information. Data cleansing is used to identify and correct data
discrepancies and inaccurate information – often referred to as “dirty data.”
Discuss potential causes of dirty data and key strategies that can be used to
ensure the consistency of clean data, while using various healthcare
technologies. 300
words with references __________________________________________________________________________________________ The
supervisor of data services at Reid Hospital is responsible for all databases
that are maintained in the facility. It has been determined there are new
organizational needs in the area of biosurveillance. The medical director
requests that the supervisor of data services investigate developing a
registry or database to track cases of potential bioterrorism, communicable
disease outbreaks, and other unusual diseases or symptoms. 300
words with references ____________________________________________________________________________ Turnitin® Instructions Describe
how the various health components of the public health infrastructure have
contributed to the gains described in the readings and resources. Which
components were most important? Requirements:
Minimum of two full pages of text in length. Please ensure you cite your
references in APA format. Assignment Instructions: Assignments are due in the Assignment
portion of the classroom by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST each
week. Make sure you read and understand the directions
and requirements for each Assignment. Please ensure you cite your
references in APA format with a minimum of 3 references (You may use your
textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 2 academic outside
references)..W6: Dirty Data
W6: Biosurveillance
Week 6 Assignment: Food Safety
assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.