PHBE111 Week 2 [250 words minimum + response to other 2 students]
Question # 43735 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$5 |
PHBE111 Week 2 Discussion Topic
Select one of these two discussion questions--
A. Describe an incident from a past job where you would like to better understand how the organizational setting influenced employee behavior. What was the situation, and what happened? If you had been the manager in that situation, what would you have needed to understand to handle that situation?
B. Think of a recent situation in which you participated where it would have been helpful to address underlying assumptions. Describe the situation, who was involved, their roles, what they were trying to accomplish, and what actually happened. What did you observe that leads you to believe assumptions played a role in this situation? What could you have done differently to change the situation? What will you do or say differently in similar situations in the future?
you also need to respond to 2 students, i will send you student post when anybody will posted.. so you will have to replied to them 100 word each its will be 200 words for 2 responses.