Topics include public opinion polling, the role of the media in a democrac
Question # 43739 | History | 4 years ago |
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Assignment Name: Written Assignment #1 (Polling)
Due: Upload to D2L submission folder by due date shown in the syllabus
The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice applying concepts from the lesson materials to current events in the news. You can better understand the concepts by observing them at work in real-world situations and explaining the impact. This particular assignment focuses on the idea of public opinion polls.
Follow these steps to complete your written assignment.
1. Select TWO of the following public opinion polls to read and analyze:
a. PRNewswire: Health and Fitness Has Been Negatively Impacted During 2020:
b. The Packer: Working from Home During the Pandemic:
c. Inc: The Pandemic Has Hit Women-Owned Businesses Harder:
d. NPR: Asian Americans Are Racial or Ethnic Group Most Willing to Get Vaccine:
2. Write a 400 - 600 word paper analyzing the polls as follows:
a. Describe the polls you chose. What do they show?
b. Describe the survey methodology used for each poll (sampling, question wording, data collection).
c. Analyze the quality of each poll. Use the criteria described in this week's lesson on how to tell if a poll is good.
d. Overall, which poll was of better quality? Would you trust the poll results?
3. Format your paper per academic standards: double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, 1 inch margins, complete sentences, clear division into paragraphs, no use of slang or vague terms like "etc", "stuff", "things".
4. No citations are required. Please do not use any quotations. Use your own words.
Grading Criteria:
% of Grade
(5% per poll)
Description of polls
There is a brief summary of the poll results for each of the two polls.
(10% per poll)
Discussion of survey methodologyThe methodology is clearly described and terminology from the lesson (such as sampling) is correctly applied.
(20% per poll)
Analysis of poll
The poll is correctly analyzed using the criteria given in the lesson. The overall assessment of the validity of the poll is clearly stated.
Comparison of polls
Comparison of the polls is clearly stated and supported.
The formatting guidelines are followed. Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, 1 inch margins, complete sentences, clear division into paragraphs.
The paper is 400 - 600 words.
Paper is professional, avoids slang terms, and contains no grammatical errors.