Question # 43829 | English | 3 years ago |
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Unit 5 Written Work: Our Evolving Language
During our unit on language, you have learned that meaning resides in people, not in words! Words are symbols, and symbols are culturally dependent and constantly evolving. English teacher and blogger Cristina Cabal created two quizzes posted to Cambridge University Press to challenge our knowledge of idioms and new vocabulary. Take both quizzes by clicking on the links, and then respond to the questions below.
For your written work this week, create a post with the following discussed:
- What was your score on each quiz? Were you surprised with your performance?
- Post an idiom that you frequently use that was not mentioned on the idioms quiz.
- Post a new term or phrase that you frequently use that was not mentioned on the vocabulary quiz.
- Do you find language confusing? Why or why not?