research paper assignment
Question # 43853 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$25 |
Research Paper Assignment Instructions
1. An important component of this course is the research paper. The research paper is a topic of your choice, but it must be related to the course material. Browsing the Table of Contents of your text is a good place to find inspiration. The topic must be approved by your instructor by the end of week 3. Failure to gain approval for your topic will result in a 10% deduction of the final grade.
2. The research paper should include an introduction of the topic, a body in which the topic is developed and references cited, and a well-defined conclusion.
3. Your paper must have a strong thesis statement. Your thesis is a statement (not a question or a topic) that describes what your paper will be about and provides a unique perspective (see: Purdue OWL).
4. You are required to have an abstract for your paper.
*I strongly suggest that, as part of your research, you take advantage of the university's online library link. There is a wide variety of resources there including many full text papers and articles. This may be of particular advantage to any of you who do not have traditional library resources available to you.
Administrative Requirements
1. The paper must be a minimum of ten (10) pages in length, not including the cover page, abstract, table of contents (optional) and reference pages. Charts, graphs, photos, drawings, lists and extended quotes* will not count against the pages of written text required. *Note: It is a rare instance that an extended quote is appropriate and most of the time they are considered non-academic.
2. References must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. If necessary, refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ED). 2009 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
3. You must use at least five (5) academic bibliographic sources (in addition to any of the required course readings you may use). The University does not support the use of as a source for academic research papers.
4. Use Times New Roman Font in a 12-point font.
5. Use 1 inch for the top, bottom, left and right margins.
6. Use proper APA format as given to you in the attached example.
Submission: You must submit your completed paper through this assignment as it will be subjected to TurnItIn. Save your file in the following format before you submit: Last Name, First Initial Topic (i.e. Jones, L Measles Eradication). Failure to submit the file in the proper format will lead to point deductions.
Grading your Paper
I will grade your paper using the grading criteria attached. The grading criteria is a guide that allows me to look at specific areas (Criteria) of your paper and assign a grade to each. A grading criteria helps an instructor to evaluate each student's work consistently and fairly, despite differences in topics and content.
*PLAGIARISM: Your paper will go through TurnItIn, a plagiarism software. If you receive a high score in TurnItIn, it is likely that you have committed plagiarism whether intentional or not. Review this website to insure you do not commit plagiarism. If you receive a TurnItIn score that is high, I suggest that you revise and resubmit before the due date (but do not remove the first submission).
topic: It’s the one you did the outline on see below link