English communication
Question # 43907 | Communications | 3 years ago |
$15 |
The written work for this Unit is a worksheet to be completed in Word and uploaded to this Assignment Submission area in D2L.)
Do you consider yourself good at "reading people" nonverbally? Have you heard of, and maybe been intrigued, with the nonverbal concept of "micro-expressions?"
Take the next few minutes to take the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (online link - click here). The test first appeared in the book, "The Essential Difference" by Simon Baron-Cohen, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge. For each set of eyes, you will choose which word best describes what the person in the picture is thinking or feeling. You may feel that more than one word is applicable, but please choose just one word, the word which you consider to be most suitable. Before making your choice, make sure that you have read all 4 words. You should try to do the task as quickly as possible but you will not be timed.
Note about possible technology problems with the link: If you have trouble with the above link, you may need to update Adobe Flash or try it with a different browser. It is the same web address that is listed in your textbook. If you get a message that Java and Flash are needing to be enabled, and you can't figure it out, do call KSU Service desk and mention this. Flash will not work on a mobile device. Be assured that it is an active site, but you need the right settings on your computer. Here is the link typed out for copying/pasting: http://www.questionwritertracker.com/quiz/61/Z4MK3TKB.html If you have fiddled with this and are still having a mess of a time, go to this site and take the test instead: http://socialintelligence.labinthewild.org/mite/
After you have finished the test, you will get to a "Summary Report Screen." Screen capture that page showing your results and drop the screenshot into your Word document worksheet. Briefly discuss your ability to accurately understand the situation by just looking at the eyes by completing the worksheet questions.
For more information about the grading of this worksheet or all Unit work, please see the file "Grading of Online Unit Work (Discussion Boards and Assignments) in COM 1100" listed in the "Start Here" folder in this D2L course. Worksheets turned in using the Pages word processing app will not be graded and will earn 0 points.