POLS410 week 8 Discussion[250 words minimum + response to other 3 students]
Question # 43912 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$7 |
POLS410 Discussion Topic
Policy analysis is about finding out what governments do, why they do it, and what difference those activities make. One result of that process is considering the termination of a program. However, this is not an easy process.
(1) Why are government programs seldom terminated? Provide at least three reasons in your response.
(2) Please present an example of a government program that should have been terminated and explain how it may have survived (think about stakeholders and their interests).
you also need to respond to 3 students, i will send you student post when anybody will posted.. so you will have to replied to them 100 word each post...so its will be 300 words for 3 responses