English communication
Question # 44018 | English | 3 years ago |
$1 |
Unit 7 Written Work: How to Listen When You Disagree
There are so many great quotes about listening. Here is a very fitting one for our focus for this discussion board:
"One of the most sincere forms of respect is
actually listening to what another has to say."
-- Bryant H. McGill
To prepare for this post, visit the Free Listening Project story: http://urbanconfessional.org/blog/howtodisagree
Engage in an online discussion by answering the following questions in an initial post. Then, be sure to respond at least once on a classmate's post. Make both posts meaningful! (Really aim to advance the discussion about listening, NOT a huge political rant!):
a) Where have you experienced defensive listening lately - at home, work, or school? Is it more difficult to listen to certain topics than others?
b) What lesson did you learn from this article? Can you apply any part of this to your daily conversations when you are having difficulty seeing the other side of an argument?
c) Do you have another suggestion to help with listening when you disagree?
For more information about the grading of this discussion board or all Unit work, please see the file "Grading of Online Unit Work (Discussion Boards and Assignments) in COM 1100" listed in the "Start Here" folder in this D2L course.
Specifics for this discussion post include:
This initial post is worth 8/10 points, so please make it worthwhile with a well-developed paragraph.
The final 2/10 points will be awarded to those of you who take time to read and comment on others' postings. Comment on one other posting at a minimum, but feel free to comment on more than one of your classmates' posts. (Throughout the semester, you will always be graded on an initial post AND comment postings when the weekly assignment is a Discussion Board. These secondary postings are expected to be far briefer (but still thoughtful) than the original, main post.)
If you choose this week as an option from the CHOICE BOARD, please complete your original post by Wednesday in order for others to see your initial post and have time to respond.
(Please keep in mind that you will first need to start a new thread before you can read and reply to other threads.)