PBHE 111 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION[250 words minimum + response to other 2 student]
Question # 44103 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$4 |
Over the past month, every member of the Intravenous (IV) Therapy Team has complained to you about the IV Team supervisor. Her direct reports, all RNs, agree that she is technically superb. However, their comments include statements that she is “hyper-critical,” “demeaning,” and that they “feel bad” about coming to work. It would be extremely difficult to find a replacement for this supervisor; however, if you don’t do something, it looks as if the entire IV Team will resign. What should you do?
you also need to respond to 2 students, i will send you student post when anybody will posted.. so you will have to replied to them 100 word each post...so its will be 200 words for 2 responses.