American government
Question # 44292 | History | 3 years ago |
$5 |
The purpose of this posting is for you to explore how cases make their way through the court system before getting to the U.S. Supreme Court. The purpose of responding to other students is for you to see other perspectives and learn from your peers.
1. Select ONE of the following court cases to work with:
A. Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
B. Flowers v. Mississippi
2. Investigate the court case using the links to references provided in the previous activity in this module. Be sure to watch for the path of the case through the system and the types of courts involved.
3. Create a flowchart (in words or with a diagram) that shows the path of the case through the court system. Name the types of courts involved and their decisions. What was the final decision given by the U.S. Supreme Court for this case? Include your answers and your flowchart in your posting.
4. Respond to two other student postings.
In order to get full credit for this activity, post about one of the above activities addressing all points in the prompt in a couple of good paragraphs and respond to two other students in at least 3 sentences each.