four pages double space
Question # 44331 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$15 |
i have assignment ( literature review) about Literature Review: cooperation between family and school with gifted English learners the teacher give me this comments I have to addressed
Additional comments to consider:
A big reason why ELs are not identified as gifted is related to language barriers which are problematic when you use typical English language/verbal assessments for GT testing.
Also, non-verbal tests have instructions in English, so that is also an issue. Teachers may also have strong biases against referring EL students to GT, believing that English must be mastered first before advanced academic services.
I would recommend you make a clear case for the importance of school-home partnerships, and how these partnerships could dispel some myths with identifying/serving GT Els, and how parents can be included in ways to help their children in the home.
Again, your literature review should lead to research questions that you can pursue. So, you are not trying to answer your research question in this paper, but you are reviewing research on ELs, teacher-parent relationships etc., to find gaps in the literature which can lead to your research question and a possible study.
I need more than five articles for the literature review.
I already choose one and you could choose the other articles that you see related to the topic.
the important thing the articles should since five years 2015- 2021
Lockhart, K., & Mun, R. U. (2020). Developing a Strong Home–School Connection to Better Identify and Serve Culturally, Linguistically, and Economically Diverse Gifted and Talented Students. Gifted Child Today, 43(4), 231-238.