PSYC20037: Assessment 2
Question # 44484 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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Assessment 2: Wellbeing Essay
The overall aim of this assessment task is to explore the alignment between wellbeing theory, research, and practices, and the implications for the ways we can increase wellbeing in a specific context/setting.
This assessment task must be completed individually – it is an independent assessment piece and you cannot work with other students to complete it.
For Assessment 2, you will write a 2000-word essay (+/- 10%) using a theory of wellbeing to explore wellbeing issues faced in an applied setting (e.g., workplace, school), and then examine strategies that can be used to improve and build wellbeing in that setting.
The essay should focus on integrating wellbeing theory and research from the published literature and how this could be usefully applied in a practical setting into strategies to increase/build/improve wellbeing.
You will:
• Choose an applied setting (e.g., a workplace, school, residential aged care, hospital). Alternatively, you may choose a specific population group (e.g., new parents; people with a particular chronic illness; teenagers; etc). Ensuring you keep this specific will help give focus to your essay.
• Research and then summarise the wellbeing considerations faced in the chosen setting (e.g., what are the wellbeing issues or challenges faced by people living in a residential aged-care setting? e.g., meaninglessness, loneliness etc)
• Describe one theoretical approach to understanding wellbeing that can help explain the wellbeing issues identified in your chosen applied setting. Choose a theory (see below) that provides an appropriate framework for understanding the wellbeing considerations commonly experienced in the chosen setting (e.g., if meaninglessness is a concern in aged-care settings, is there a positive psychology theoretical perspective that discusses the importance of meaning to an individual’s wellbeing?)
• Examine how researchers have previously attempted to influence (i.e., increase, improve, build, enhance) wellbeing in the chosen setting, including what was done and what was found, and strengths and weaknesses of these intervention/prevention attempts (note that peer-reviewed journal articles should be used).
In a logical, well-integrated essay (using APA style referencing and headings) you will identify (with well-reasoned justification based on theory) and explore in detail the ways in which wellbeing can be influenced within a practical setting. It is important to note here that you are expected to critically apply psychological concepts and constructs to a specific practical context, not just write an essay about positive psychology concepts more generally.
A focus on one of the following four key theoretical perspectives of wellbeing is recommended:
o Seligman’s PERMA model (See Week 1 Moodle Workbook)
o Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing model (See Week 2 Moodle Workbook)
o Ryan and Deci’s Self-Determination Theory (See Week 3 Moodle Workbook)
o Diener’s Subjective Wellbeing model (See Week 4 Moodle Workbook)
However, if you have another preference for your theoretical focus, this can be discussed with the Unit Coordinator.
Further instructions and tips on finding peer-reviewed journal articles and writing essays in psychology are provided in the Assessment section on Moodle.
The maximum word count for this assessment task is 2000 words (+/- 10%).
Assessment Criteria:
For Assessment 2, you will be assessed on:
• Introduction (introduce the wellbeing context/setting and outline what will be covered in the essay)
• Discussion of wellbeing issues faced within an applied setting
• Rationale for chosen theory/theories of wellbeing and relevant application to the applied setting
• Evaluation of ways to improve wellbeing in the applied setting
• Conclusion (summing up of essay, and implications and recommendations for future work)
• The quality, clarity, and conciseness of written communication, including adherence to the word-limit
• Correct adherence to APA referencing style for in-text citations and the reference list.
Assessment criteria and marking rubric for the essay are shown on the following page.
see pdf file for rubric and follow HD column i need high quality work, because tutor is too much strict.. i need full marks please take care extra.