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Question # 44507 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$9 |
Content Analysis: Social Media and Body Image
The purpose of this assignment is for you to critically analyze social media and its link to potential mental health problems. Research has consistently shown that those spending more time on social media present higher levels of mental disorder, particularly depression. Understanding the underlying factors related to these outcomes is key. First, choose any social medial platform. Ex. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, WhatsAp, Tumbler, Tick Tock and so on. Then, using your feed, find images or videos where unrealistic body images are portrayed. This could be a post from an individual or an advertisement from a corporate entity. While one image or video is unlikely to alter our self-image, thousands of views each day can certainly cause problems. Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the photo or video post you chose.
1. What entity posted the content? (Ex. individual, friend, family member, club, organization, business)
2. Does it appear that the picture of video has been edited? If so, how? Airbrushing, photoshopping, filters?
3. What is the title , summary, and tags of the picture or video? Are there any overt or covert message that is linked with the content? Has it been sensationalized?
4. What is the approximate age, gender, and racial or ethnic status, if you can discern it, of the individual or people shown in the content?
5. Is something being sold to you? Are famous people used to push a product or service?
6. How many "likes" or "upvotes" did the content have when you first viewed it?
7. Read the first 10 comments if there are any linked with the content. Are they mostly positive reactions, negative, or neutral?
8. What was your initial reaction after seeing the post? What emotions did you experience?
9. How many minutes a day you spend using social media apps? This information can be found in your phone settings. Usually. it is under "battery" tab.
10. How would you feel if you had to go without a cell phone for a week?
Please upload your submission by 11:59 on Thursday, .April 15.
i need quality work please. Thank you.