Final Project: Health and Illness Literature Review
Question # 44537 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$20 |
Final Project: Health and Illness Literature Review
The purpose of this Final Project is for you to create a literature review related to a health topic that interests you. We have discussed a wide variety of physical and mental health problems during the semester. You can choose a broad topics such as inadequate health coverage, or something more narrow like body image disorder, specifically the Adonis Complex. Additionally, you could chose an infectious disease such as Ebola, or a chronic illness like ALS. After you have chosen your topic, please complete the following:
1. Find 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles that speak to your health issue in some capacity. Using the library website is probably your best bet for finding such articles. Also, you may be able to utilize Google Scholar.
2. Each article should be cited in APA format. If you have questions about formatting the citation, please visit the Purdue Owl website at Also, include a link for each article.
3. After citing each article, provide a broad summary of the article. What was the primary focus of the research or study in question? Were the results in line with the hypothesis? How were race, social class, age, gender, and religion utilized in the research? What other variables were important in the study? Did researchers find that this issue tends to surface in specific regions of the world? If there are any graphics that sum up the most significant findings in the study. be sure to include them.
There is no specific length requirement for the project. As long as you are discussing the main points for each article, you will likely receive full credit. You can submit your project in multiple ways. You can write a traditional paper, double spaced in 12 point, Times New Roman font. Or, you can submit a Power Point Presentation, Prezi. or other multimedia presentation that disseminates your information. Please include a title for the project. Please upload your project by 11:59 PM on Monday, April 19.