4-5 pages
Question # 44562 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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Does this seem like something you can do? The topic is listed below and I have attached the instructions.
What advertising differences are required for audiences streaming their media versus those, e.g., watching television content
Marketing Research for Business Decisions
The rubric for your marketing research paper…
As noted, your marketing research must be primary research for this class.
Note, as well, that there can be no first person in the report, i.e., no “I found that…” or “I believe that…” Instead, you would write, e.g., “Research findings show that…”
Also, your sample size needs to have a 95% confidence level and no greater than a 7% confidence interval. With your research in mind, most of your research papers will need to have the following sections…
I. Authorization Letter (optional; I just want you to know what this is)
II. Letter of Transmittal (optional; I also just want you to know what this is)
III. Table of Contents
IV. Executive Summary
V. Purpose and Scope of the Research
VI. Hypothesis (or Hypotheses) and Null Hypothesis (or Null Hypotheses)
VII. Methodology Used
VIII. Findings and Extrapolations (External Validity)
IX. Research Limitations, e.g., rain precluded surveying car brands parked on campus
X. Appendices of Figures, Charts, and Tables
XI. Bibliography (if applicable) including any interviews conducted for this research
Footnotes and the writing style, in general, need to adhere to an accepted format, preferably MLA or APA.
I will bring in multiple examples of research papers so that you can look through these and get an idea of the caliber and format needed for your research paper.
Your oral presentation is to be a cogent summation of your research methods, analysis, findings and extrapolations.