Unit 5 Assessment 750 words
Question # 44674 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$15 |
Objective: To demonstrate understanding of and ability to think critically about material from Unit 5 of the course.
For this assessment, you will craft an essay in response to one of the prompts that appears below. You are required to use course materials—including BOTH assigned readings from Unit 5 and assigned videos from Unit 5—in your essay; you must cite them correctly, of course. However, you may NOT use course lectures or outside materials (readings, websites, videos, or other sources that are not included as part of required learning activities for this course) in your essay.
Your essay for this assessment must be a minimum of 750 words in length (not including header or bibliography). It is due via the assignment drop box on eLearning by 11:59 p.m, April 30, 2021. Late submissions will not be accepted. It is imperative that you follow formatting guidelines as detailed in the course syllabus (either 11- or 12-point font is fine) and properly cite any assigned sources you use in your essay. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR DOCUMENT AS A PDF—if you do so, you will receive a grade of zero!
You are NOT required to incorporate "key terms and concepts" from Unit 5 in your essay.
1. In her book, Rachel E. Spector argues, "Personal cultural background, heritage, and language have a considerable impact on how patients access and respond to healthcare services..." (p. 5). Keeping Spector's point in mind, compare and contrast three of the cultural groups that Spector discusses (these include: American Indian and Native Alaskan populations, Asian populations, Black populations, Hispanic populations, and White populations) with regard to their specific beliefs and practices related to health, illness, and healing. How are the three groups you have chosen similar? How are they different? And why is knowing about such similarities and differences important in promoting culturally competent health care? Explain and provide specific examples.
2. Consider the information that Rachel Spector provides in her book, "Cultural Diversity in Health & Illness," in relation to Campinha-Bacote's "Process of Cultural Competence." More specifically, and in light of the various aspects of cultural competence that are identified and described within Campinha-Bacote's model, how does the information in Spector's book help promote cultural competence? Beyond knowing that information, what other steps does a health care provider need to take other steps in order to achieve culturally competent care for their patients? Explain and provide specific examples.
Read the underlined and what to use and what to not use
I have attached the files
I need the full credit for this one please
Because i got 0 in Unit 1 so please do it perfect