Annotated bibliography: 5 Sources [each 1/2 pages] so total 2.5 pages
Question # 44675 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$15 |
I'm working on a writing Other and need support to help me learn.
I have to write a research paper titled "How music affects the brain". But my professor wants us to send in an annotated bibliography first. Do you think you'll be able to help me? I've attached a picture below with the requirements.
I just need 5 sources, and 3 of them have to be scholarly sources
Research paper: How music affects the brain
Annotated bibliography: 5 Sources, 3 of them have to be scholarly/academic sources.
It has to be done in MLA format
Each source has to be in one page.
Please refer to the picture I sent you earlier if you have any questions because all the requirements are there. And pls message me too if u need help with anything.
I’ve also invluded my research proposal, hope that wil help you look for sources.
If possible can you please use 1 source from here -
Thank you so much!
Late work will not accepted.