1500 words [This is one is the most important so be careful]
Question # 44677 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$25 |
Objective: To demonstrate comprehensive understanding, of and ability to apply/think critically about material presented throughout the course.
For this exam, you will choose one of the following prompts and construct an original essay response. You are required to include AT LEAST 5 assigned course readings (one chapter from Spector's book counts as one reading) and AT LEAST 3 assigned course videos. You MAY NOT include lectures. Additionally, you MAY NOT include readings, videos, or other materials that were not included as part of required course materials. Your essay must be a minimum of 1,500 words in length (not including header or bibliography); however, it is likely your essay will be significantly longer, particularly if you wish to respond to the prompt in a manner that meets (or exceeds) the assignment objective. You should incorporate key terms and concepts from throughout the course into your essay; however, you are not required to bold them or defuse them. Regardless of the prompt you choose, be certain to provide specific examples and thoroughly explain those examples.
This exam is worth 100 points and, therefore, represents a significant portion of your overall semester grade. Therefore, you should devote appropriate time and attention to drafting. revising, and finalizing your essay before your submit it. Submission via email will NOT be accepted, so be certain your essay is complete and accurate (including appropriate citations) before you hit the "submit" button on eLearning.
Your submission is due via the assignment drop box on eLeaming by 11:59 p.m. on Monday May_10,_ Late submissions will not be accepted, particularly as you have been provided with a generous timeline for completing this assignment. It is imperative that you follow formatting guidelines as detailed in the course syllabus (either 11- or 12-point font is fine) and properly cite any assigned sources you use in your essay. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR DOCUMENT AS A PDF—if you do so , you will receive a grade of zero!
1. In recent years. there has been a significant shift in the field of health care. specifically with regard to cultural competence. Whereas such competence was once deemed -"marginal" consideration by many (and souse even regarded it as insignificant) as part of health care practice, it has now become increasingly -mainstream" in health care education as well as in health care practice. What do you see as the most significant benefits of implementing cultural competence as a core element of health care? Here. you might consider benefits to patients. to the health care system. and to society more broadly. In addition, identify and discuss what you regard as some of the most significant challenges to its implementation. How can such challenges potentially be overcome?
2. Consider the current COVID-19 pandemic. As of mid-April 2021, there have been approximately 150,000,000 confirmed cases and over 3 million confirmed deaths around the world. Based on what you know about the pandemic as well as what you have learned about cultural competence, should attention to cultural competence be a core element of addressing the pandemic? Or does the type of health care crisis created by the current pandemic necessitate that cultural competence be temporarily -ignored" in order to allow health care workers (including not only doctors, nurses, physician assistants. etc., but also public health workers) to focus exclusively on addressing symptoms of the disease as well as promoting prevention? Explains.
I also attached the grading scale. I want you to look at nothing but the A Standards and meet them all for me brother please.
its very important for me so i need high quality work, follow all small instructions.