Anti-Plagiarism Summary Paragraph
Question # 44724 | English | 3 years ago |
$25 |
Part 1 – The Summary
Your summary is ~125 words long, and identifies the main idea and three to five key points (supporting details);
Summary begins by identifying the source of the information and its purpose (look at the bottom of the document for information);
The body of the summary presents key points – big ideas, not every little detail –
to inform the reader about the text;
Details are paraphrased throughout, though terminology or jargon may be quoted directly
Part 2 – Personal Response Paragraph
Your response paragraph is ~125 words long, and identifies how the reading is useful to you, now or in your future studies;
Writing is purposeful – it is informative and centers on one controlling idea;
Three-part structure is used to guide reader through ideas;
Writing has flow thanks to transitional devices;
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation enhance readability (note: terminology is spelled correctly)
The reference :-
Academic Honesty Policy at Seneca College
9. Academic Honesty
To continue to graduate high quality students and sustain our reputation as a leading institution, Seneca must
have the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic honesty means that all Seneca College students will
conduct themselves in an honest and trustworthy manner in all aspects of their academic career. Engaging in
any form of academic dishonesty to obtain any type of academic advantage or credit is an offence under this
policy and will not be tolerated by the College.
It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the proper procedure for maintaining academic honesty
through this Academic Policy. You may also seek assistance from Student Services in understanding the policy
and procedures for Academic Honesty.
9.1 Academic Honesty Offenses
Offences under this policy include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, falsification, impersonation,
misrepresentation and procurement. For descriptions and/or specific examples of these academic offences, see
Appendix E .
9.2 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is defined as using someone else’s work (words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures, or computations)
and presenting it as one’s own, instead of properly documenting every source. For specific examples of
plagiarism, see Appendix E .
To support Academic Honesty at Seneca College, all work submitted by students may be reviewed for
authenticity and originality utilizing software tools and third party services.
In submitting their own work to a third party service, students consent to their submissions undergoing such
review and being retained in a database for comparison with other work submitted by students.
9.3 Penalties
First Offence The penalty for a first academic honesty offence is normally a grade of “0” on the work in
which the offence occurred, and on the recommendation of the Academic Honesty
Committee, and the following will be noted on the Student Centre: Academic Honesty - First
Second Offence The penalty for the second academic honesty offence is normally an "F" in the course where
the offence occurred, the following will be noted on the Student Centre: Academic Honesty -
Second Offence, and suspension from the College for a time period determined by the
Academic Honesty Committee, normally for a minimum of three (3) terms. If you want to
return to the College, you will be placed on Academic Honesty Probation. You must see the
Coordinator/Student Advisor for reinstatement.
Any further violation of the Academic Honesty Policy will result in College initiated
mandatory withdrawal for academic purposes, normally for a period of two years. You are
suspended from the College until the identified term and you must see the
Coordinator/Student Advisor for possible reinstatement.
You have the right to appeal the decision of the Academic Honesty Committee, consistent with the Academic
Appeals Policy (see Section 13 Academic Appeals). Please note: evidence will be kept on file.
The procedure for dealing with academic honesty offences is found in Appendix E .
Works Cited:
"9. Academic Honesty." Academic Policy: Academic Honesty. Seneca College, n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.
Each part one summary paragraph and each paragraph 125 word size and please mention the source in each summary in the first sentences.
Please the source will be the above reference .