PSYC20042: Assessment 2 [2500 words]
Question # 44896 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$45 |
PSYC20042: Building Wellbeing and Resilience
Assessment 2: Psychology, Wellbeing, and Resilience website blog
Assessment weighting: 45% of your final grade
In Assessment 2 you will build on the resources collected and examined for Assessment 1 to design and produce a Positive Psychology, Wellbeing, and Resilience website blog.
For Assessment 2, you will
• Choose five topic areas of interest from their Assessment 1 curated collection.
• Research a web blog platform to use (e.g., free platforms such as WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger)
• Prepare a series of blog posts for the topics with evidence-based information (and references) pertaining to the area
• Detail at least one suitable, evidence-based wellbeing intervention/practice area per topic area.
For each topic area, you will provide evidence-based information (and references) pertaining to the area (wellbeing and/or resilience focus), and detail at least one wellbeing intervention/practice idea – underpinned by empirical evidence – per area. Students can present their evidence in the form of in-text citations (with a reference list at the end of each post) or embed links to their references in the body of each post.
You may choose the five topics that they evaluated in Assessment 1; choose a combination of previously evaluated topics and topics for which they collected materials without evaluation; or focus only on topics that they collected, but did not evaluate. However, blogs cannot consist solely of repeating the text from the evaluations completed for Assessment 1.
Further in-depth instructions for this assessment piece are available on the Moodle site.
You will be assessed on:
• Your examination of main issues pertaining to topic areas
• Rationale for choosing, and evaluation of, specific evidence-based interventions/practices
• Presentation and written communication skills
• Use of citations and references
• Adherence to word count.
Maximum word count: 2500 words (+/- 10%). This word limit includes in-text citations but excludes any reference section. Meeting the word count is included as a part of the marking criteria in your marking rubric on Moodle. See the Psychology Word Count Information document on Moodle for a rationale for using this type of word limit restriction.
In order to pass the unit, you will need to score at least 50% in this assessment.
see pdf file for rubric and follow HD column i need high quality work, because tutor is too much strict.. i need full marks please take care extra.