PBHL20010 [assignment 2] 2000 words
Question # 44898 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$35 |
The second assessment task for this unit is a reflective assignment. This is an individual assignment of approximately 2000 words and is based on your experience during the scenario. You must discuss and analyze what you have learned about public health and the role of different stakeholders and interest groups in a public health event along with the general role of the community in professional practice. The focus of the assignment is to show your deepening understanding of public health practice and to consider your experiences in the larger context of community engagement. It is not enough to just describe what you did in the scenario; you must show that you have reflected on the experience and have tried to understand in the context of your own learning. Guidelines for the reflective assignment can be found at the end of this study guide.
This is a reflective assignment, so a more informal writing style is acceptable. However, the reflection must not be wholly descriptive. It must contain an assessment of the way in which your views or thinking has changed and what you have learned about yourself as a practitioner and the community in which you work.
You must achieve a mark of 50% on this assignment to pass the unit.
This assessment task is due by 5:00pm on Friday of week 12. Students experiences and impressions will be discussed in class in week 12.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are expected to use this study guide to support your mastery in this unit. The tutorial questions that follow each week’s summary of material will be discussed in class. You should make notes of your thinking on each of the questions BEFORE your tutorial each week. These notes may be checked by your tutor. In addition, you should use the spaces for notes to prepare for discussion of assignments in weeks 6 and 12. These may also be checked by your tutor.
Your information for week 1 of the scenario is below. You will discuss this in your group in class in week 6.
Please read this and all the other material posted on Moodle carefully. You will need it in writing your weekly posts. Also, please be aware that you may receive additional information at some time and must check your email regularly.
In the scenario, remember you are playing roles. In other words, you are pretending to be the stakeholders your group represents. This means that your posts are from the point of view of those people. You are not posting any kind of academic analysis; you are posting your reactions, as the role you are playing, to the information you are given and, very importantly, the things posted by other groups.
What your post should consist of is the written answer to the instructions you have been given. Your weekly information will say things like "express your opinion," "release a statement to the media," express concern to the local government'', and so forth. This is what you write in your post.