4 pages
Question # 44967 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$15 |
B. Journal Submission (15%)
1. Using the following headings, review the chosen and approved article:
a. Summary of the Article (in your words)
b. Personal Meaningfulness of the Article
c. How the Article Helps Me to Understand Child and Youth Work
2. Your finished paper should be a minimum of 4 pages (not including your reference page and title page).
3. Include a title page that has the following information centered:
a. Name of Assignment
b. Instructor’s Name
c. Name of course
d. Date
e. Your name
4. Assignment is to be double-spaced using Times New Roman (12 font).
5. As most of the paper is self-reflection, you can use “I” statements.
Direct quotes, reference page and title page are to follow APA referencing style. You do not need to include a running header on the title page or subsequent pages. However, page numbers are required. As well, it is assumed that all information in your paper is from this article; therefore, you can simply reference at the end of each paragraph unless you are using a direct quote which would need specific referencing within the paper as well. Information and examples on APA format can be found at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
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