write a proposal
Question # 45028 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$10 |
I was wondering if you know how to write a proposal? If so I will give you more information, such as an outline, as well as other details, such as the goal and objectives, the project brief, and my role in this project, etc. This would only need to be two pages. Is this something you can do?
Here is the outline and goals in the attached document. The research project will be separated into two portions, the observations as a field participant observant as well as an ethnographer in local mutual aids that have formed after the pandemic, and the second half will cover the history of mutual aids, from what it is, to past organizations that existed before this global pandemic. The proposal should briefly explain the mission of this project. Please look through the attached document to see what the research project topics will consist of to get an idea of what the proposal should cover briefly. If you have any questions, please ask.