Question # 45081 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$5 |
With this research, I’m not trying to point out that we need more mutual aids in this country. This research is about WHY that burden has fallen on communities, (failures in our government) and out of that, came the rise of mutual aids. The US boasts about being the greatest country in the world, but there is a massive population, usually the lower/poverty class that are constantly struggling. There is no universal healthcare for our citizens, our healthcare is connected to our jobs, so therefore when we lose that job, we also lose our healthcare too. Which means more sick people with no place to go, and then of course spreading it to others, making it easier for others to lose their jobs due to health issues. Also without any money, there is no way to sustain yourself. Mutual aids has given that aid to the most vulnerable community, giving them one less thing to worry about, such as food or clothes, fighting evictions so people don’t go homeless in such a time, or even helping with transportation. It’s what ordinary people formed because there is no choice for them but to help each other, when the government won’t step in such times. Can you please make sure this is known on the paper? Also as you can see from what I added, I will be forming my own mutual aid, which is why I chose to do this and why I wanted to learn more about mutual aids. My mutual aid will mainly be to help those who can’t speak English, and helping them translate whatever documents they need, and also setting appointments up for them for doctors and vaccine appointments (which is something I already do. I don’t know if this needs to be mentioned in the proposal, I mean the structure of my mutual aid work, as I may add more to this, but just wanted to let you know so maybe you can figure out if it fits here.) Also, whatever I made bold, and underlined, I would like it to be rewritten in a different way, because they are from other works and I don't want it to be plagarism. Since I am having you rewrite some of this, and it looks like half a page has been added due to what I added, I will give you another $5. Is these instructions okay with you though? If so, I will go ahead and send it to you, and please start working on it.