Psych - Test and Measurements of Psychology Unit 4 - 25 questions
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Psychological Testing: A
Practical Introduction
Thomas P. Hogan, 2015
ISBN.13: 978-1-118-55412-8
PSY312 Unit 4 Exam
1. The the text states that the number of new clinical instruments becoming available for use has ______ n recent years.
a. declined b. remained c. greatly increased d. none of the above
2.Which of these measures depends mostly on criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced interpretation of scores?
a. Strong Interest Inventory b. Kuder Career Interests Assessments c. Study of Values d. Self-Directed Search
3. The Nuremberg Code originated with the trial of ______.
a. cocaine drug dealers b. Vietnam war criminals c. Mafia criminals d. Nazi war criminals
4. Among the projective techniques, HTP stands for ______.
a. House-Tree-Person b. Happy Thematic Perception c. Hogan’s Test of Personality d. Haptic Touch Process
5.What generalization does the text offer about the specific tests used in forensic applications in comparison with other types of applications? 5
a. The tests tend to be quite different. b. The tests tend to be much the same. c. The tests are much the same for intellectual assessment but different for personality assessment. d. The tests are much the same for personality assessment but different for intellectual assessment.
6. In the Comprehensive System for administering the Rorschach, the second phase of administration is called the _________ phase.
a. closer b. protocol c. inquiry d. hidden
7. Based on the results of a career interest inventory, a counselor says to a client: “Your interests are quite similar to those of elementary school teachers. You might want to consider that field.” This line of reasoning suggests that what method has been used in developing the career interest inventory?
a. content validation b. factor analysis c. criterion-keying d. item response theory
8. The U. S. Congress passed the Insanity Defense Reform Act in response to an acquittal based on the insanity plea by a person who attempted to ______.
a. blow up a building b. assassinate a president c. send anthrax-laced letters d. start fires in the capitol building
9. The text identified one of the methods of measuring attitudes as being used infrequently because its technical requirements are too stringent. Which method was that?
a. Likert b. Guttman c. Thurstone d. Allport
10. Which is the principal outcome of applying one of the structured clinical interviews?
a. a diagnostic classification b. a treatment plan c. a determination of etiology d. a plan for follow-up testing
11. With respect to use of objective scoring systems, what is the current trend for projective techniques?
a. use of more objective scoring systems b. use of less objective scoring systems c. It’s a mixed picture: Some are getting more objective, others less objective. d. there is no discernable trend
12. Administration of the Rorschach under the Comprehensive System proceeds in two phases, the _____ phase in which the examiner asks “What might this be?” and the _____ phase in which the examiner may ask “Show me where you saw this?”.
a. inquiry; verbatim b. response; verbatim c. inquiry; response d. response; inquiry
13. In legal terminology, “P.L.” stands for ______.
a. parliamentary license b. public law c. psychological license d. parallel laws
14. What is the name of the project that seeks to extend John Exner’s work on the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach?
a. Comprehensive System II b. Rorschach Updated Version (RUV) c. Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) d. Comprehensive System Revised and Extended (CS-RE)
15. All of the major career interest inventories show relationships to a project of the U.S. Department of Labor that provides lists of occupations. The project is known as ______.
a. JobSearch b. USJOBS c. O*NET d. RIASEC Dr.
16. Mark explains to the client the purpose of giving him the Wechsler test. Dr. Mark is observing the first step related to which ethical principle?
a. confidentiality b. competence c. informed consent d. knowledge of results
17. Which of these laws dealt specifically with the disabled in educational settings?
a. Civil Rights Act of 1991 b. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 c. EEOC Guidelines d. P.L. 94-142
18. Kuder’s early work on vocational interest testing concentrated on defining interests in terms of ______.
a. broad interest areas b. differentiation of occupational groups c. content validation d. scorer reliability
19. The K score of the MMPI-2 is also called the _____ score.
a. infrequency b. lie c. correction d. cannot say
20. Behavioral assessment developed in part as a reaction against ______.
a. psychodynamic theories b. client-centered therapy c. Pavlovian conditioning d. Skinner’s reinforcement schedule
21. The textbook identifies three distinctive features of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. Which of these is NOT one of those features?
a. normative definition of problem scores based on T-score cutoffs b. an explicit attempt to align scores with the DSM c. the MCMI is much shorter than the MMPI d. scores that take into account base rates for types of psychological problems in the population
22. The _____ attempts to differentiate between a temporary anxiety condition and a more permanent, enduring personality characteristic.
a. Beck Anxiety Inventory b. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory c. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory d. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
23. In which of the methods of measuring attitudes do you attempt to locate the exact point where the person’s attitude changes from one direction to another?
a. Likert b. Thurstone c. Guttman d. Allport
24. Which is a fundamental characteristic of all projective techniques?
a. The test stimuli to which examinees respond must be nonverbal. b. The test stimuli to which examinees respond must be verbal. c. The test stimuli to which examinees respond must be ambiguous. d. The test stimuli to which examinees respond must be clear-cut.
25. Several laws related to the handicapped/disabled in education call for use of an IEP. These initials stand for ______.
a. initiating educational progress b. individual educational plan c. independence, excellence, promotion d. itemized external posting