HLTH 4380 Evaluating Sources for EBP Assignment Fall 2021
Question # 45414 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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Part 1 (12 pts)
In the online course reserves is a folder marked "EBP examples." Choose any 2 of these articles to complete the following assignment.
Give the articles a quick read, using headings and other clues in the text to evaluate each article. Fill in the table below with details about the articles. For the strengths and limitations, consider the scientific validity of the study and the appropriateness of the article for medical professionals.
Example: (does not count as one of your 2)
Title: Unraveling Current and Future Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: The Role of Stress Reactivity Across Physiological Systems
Author(s) & Affiliations: Lucas-Thompson, R., McKernan, C.J., & Henry, K.L.; All authors are affiliated with Colorado State University
Objective: To examine relationship between physiological stress reactions and depression in adolescents.
Methodology: 153 Adolescent patients were subjected to stress tests and screened for depression. Their physiological stress recovery was compared to depression symptoms. 60 of these Adolescents were retested 1 year later
Conclusion: Results suggest that adolescents whose nervous systems recover more efficiently from stress (measured by regulatory responses of cortisol after stress test) experience less depression symptoms.
Strengths: The doctors looked at several variables to avoid unanticipated correlations. They were extremely detailed in their procedures. Study could be repeated based on documentation, to allow further corroboration
Limitations: Only 60 of the original participants returned for the second wave of testing a year later. This is a relatively small sample size and may reduce the study's insight into the changes as the adolescents experience puberty. The age of participants ranged from 10 to 19 but the data was not broken out to indicate results by age.
Part 2 (3pts)
Look at the terms for judging the quality of research listed in the assigned reading (Pg 111-112). Choose one that resonates with your experience or interests. Briefly re-state the meaning of the term and describe an example (real or made-up) of a study that would fail to meet that criterion. (Respond in 3 to 5 sentences).
Here are the links to access the articles and the stuff you needed.
below links for the second part: