short story essay
Question # 45469 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$15 |
Please let me know. I’m choosing to do the number two. Only
I also attached the story.
Short Story Essay
· To show that you can apply the elements of fiction we have been studying in a written analysis of a short story.
· To write an organized essay on a literary work that develops a thesis with support from the text of the work.
There are three possible topics for this essay:
1. “How I Met My Husband” is an initiation story in which the main character moves into a new stage of her life and becomes more aware of the world she is entering. Write an essay in which you show how Alice Munro uses point of view to show the painful awakening of Edie.
2. In “The Gift of the Magi” and “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona”, O. Henry and Sherman Alexie use setting to write stories that entertain and hold readers’ interest. Write an essay in which you show what this element contributes to one of these stories. (Do NOT write about both stories.)
3. In “A Pair of Tickets”, the main character, Jing-mei, makes a journey. Write an essay in which you explain how Jing-mei’s journey is related to character development.
Whichever option you choose, include an analysis of the theme of the story you are writing about. What are we, as readers, to learn from each story? How is the story relevant to our lives?
You may include elements of fiction other than those I have asked for in each of the options as needed, but keep the focus on those in the topic, and on theme. You may, for example, want to show how character and setting are related, or how the setting affects the plot.
Structure of Your Essay
1. Your essay should have a title that reflects something about your essay’s specific content or main point. (It should not be “Essay Number One” or “Short Story Essay”.)
2. Your Introduction should include the title of the story you’ve chosen, in quotes, and its writer’s full name within the first few sentences of your essay. Your introductory paragraph should make clear exactly what the focused subject of your essay is. Include your thesis statement near the end of the first paragraph.
3. Each body paragraph should include a clear topic sentence followed by ample evidence from the text of the story and analysis. TEA paragraph structure works well for these: Topic, Evidence (often in the form of quotations), Analysis (of the quotations that you believe support your points).
4. Yes, this means you need to include quotations from the story. If you need help with how to do this, see the sample student essays in your textbook, and the Writing Center tutorial called "Using Quotations". (Tutorial #22)
5. Include a body paragraph on the theme of the story, showing what in the story leads you to believe this is the theme. (Remember to state the theme as a full sentence rather than an abstract term or a phrase. Reread the last paragraph on
p. 205. Follow its advice.)
6. Your conclusion should address the value of reading or sharing this story. (No need to summarize what you have already made clear!)
7. Include a Work Cited page in current MLA format. Example:
Henry, O. “The Gift of the Magi.” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, edited by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, 13th ed., Pearson, 2016, pp. 186-189.
Helpful Ideas
· Use the Checklists in the chapters in your textbook to help you review elements you are writing about, and for theme.
· Be sure to include more than just one part of an element. For example, if you are writing about character, don’t just identify the protagonist. Explain why the character is the protagonist, using evidence from the story. And, don’t forget to write about both flat and round characters, etc. Don’t forget about minor characters. What is their purpose?
· Avoid overly long quotes but be sure to include support from the story for your ideas. If you have written your essay and have no quotations, find quotations in the story that show your readers what in the story makes you think as you do.
· Do not summarize/retell too much of the story. Stay focused on YOUR topic. Remember that we have all read the story. (You should assume that your audience for this essay, and the rest of your essays, consists of educated people who have read the works you will be writing about.)
In addition, be SURE that you have read the assigned material in Chapter 42 and that you follow ALL directions from Chapter 43 (illustrated in the sample student papers there and throughout the fiction unit in the textbook) and noted the MLA methods of citation within your essay and on the Works Cited page.
4 double spaced pages
Other Considerations
· Because this is a formal essay, avoid using “you” when you mean “a person”, “people”, or “some people.” Remember, too, that this is not a personal response essay, but an analysis, so it should be written primarily in third person. This is an academic, text-based essay.
· Literary works are written about in present tense, regardless of what tense they are written in or how old they are. (If this is difficult for you, we have a good tutorial to help you with it! This is Tutorial #25.)
· Since this is an academic essay, you should avoid overly casual language, slang, spelling you might use in texting, etc.
· Remember to proofread. Since this class has a prerequisite of English 100 or 105, you need to take time to proofread and eliminate basic
errors. (Remember that you can get help with proofreading skills at the
Writing Center.)
Good luck! I am looking forward to reading your essays!