HLTH 4380 Gale OneFile and Cochrane Library Worksheet
Question # 45491 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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HLTH 4380
Gale OneFile and Cochrane Library Worksheet
Fill in your name above and your answers below. Save it as a new document titled “HLTH 4380 Gale OneFile and Cochrane Library Worksheet YOURLASTNAME” and submit via eLearning.
Begin with Gale OneFile.
Do research using Gale OneFile on exercise for people with heart conditions. Select one academic article, and one news or magazine article. Give complete citations in APA format for both articles and briefly compare them. What differences do you see in the way the information is presented, how they communicate? Note any clues that indicate the intended audience of each article. [6 pts]
Next, use Cochrane Library.
Search the Cochrane
Library for information about Dementia.
Find and select 3 items.
1) A Cochrane Review
2) A Cochrane Protocol
3) A Clinical Answer
For each item, include a citation and a brief 2 or 3 sentence summary of what
information is included AND what the publication is for (who is the audience
and what can they do with this info?) [9 pts]