Question # 45631 | Health & Medical | 3 years ago |
$12 |
This rough draft is to help ensure you are engaging in the writing process. It will be at least 3 pages and include the key sections of the paper. I will provide feedback that will help ensure you are on the right track.
You are a Community Health Promoter that has just been hired by the Local Health Department (LHD). You were hired because of the knowledge you have about a specific cultural group. The LHD provides programs and services to that specific cultural group and has tried to address some of its major health disparities. However, success has been limited because the LHD has taken a generic approach. The interventions the LHD implemented did not incorporate the cultural group's world view, beliefs about health and illness, or other special considerations.
Your task is to write a project proposal paper in which you develop a culturally competent intervention that will help the LHD address a specific health disparity/issue among the specific cultural
European & Mediterranean Americans (specifically, Amish, Roma, or Arab Americans)
Refer to the Project Proposal Instructions for the content of the paper. Your rough draft must contain the following:
An abstract of 200-250 words (on its own page)
At least 3 full written pages of content
The content must include the following key sections: background and description of cultural group, description
of cultural beliefs, description of health disparity/issues, description of proposed health promotion intervention
Include in-text citations using APA 7th edition format
Include reference list using APA 7th edition format (on its own page[s])
Grading Criteria
If the abstract is less than 200 words, you will receive a zero (0).
If you submit an abstract and no rough draft, you will receive a zero (0).
I will subtract one (1) point for each of the following bullets:
o Abstracts more than 250 words
o Less than 3 full written pages of content
o Any of the keys sections not addressed
o Noorminimalin-text citations
o No reference page or the in-text citations do not match what is in the reference pageo Not using APA7theditionformat
Overall you've found some good sources; however, they do not appear to be focused on your specific cultural group. Since you are signed up for European and Mediterranean Americans, you need to focus on one of the following: Amish, Roma, OR Arab/Middle Eastern Americans. Additionally, you'll want to focus on one health issue. It looks like that might be obesity. You'll want to find more sources related to that. One good source is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Overall, your descriptions described the credibility and relevancy. I see there are some issues with grammar. It can be helpful to have someone else read your paper or read it aloud to catch some of those errors. I also have common grammatical errors posted in Blackboard -->Resources --> Writing.
In terms of APA formatting, it appears you may be using the 6th edition instead of the 7th edition. There are minor mistakes in each. Refer to the APA 7th edition quick guide in Blackboard --> Resources --> Writing.