HLTH 4380 Statistical Sources Worksheet
Question # 45731 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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HLTH 4380
Statistical Sources Worksheet
Fill in your name above and your answers below. Save it as a new document titled “HLTH 4380 Statistical Sources Worksheet YOURLASTNAME” and submit via eLearning.
To answer this section, use http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/default.htm
Look up the statistics for Allergies and Hay Fever and access the statistics report. What age group experienced the highest incidence of Hay Fever? [2 pts]
To answer this section, use https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/index.html
Using Fatal Injury Reports, construct a search to find out how many people in Colorado (all ages, races, etc.) died from unintentional falls, between the years of 2009 and 2019. Separate the result by sex and age group using the output groups in the advanced options. What are some conclusions could you draw from this data? NOTE: Use the report set that includes state data. [3 pts]
Look for Data Visualization for comparing fatal injuries then compare two different causes of death of your choice. Download the image and attach it here, then give a brief description of the image. [2 pts]
To answer this section, use https://www.who.int/data/gho
Find the section for Health Systems (either under themes or indicators) and navigate to the report on General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure. What country spends the largest percentage for health? What country pays the least? What is the most recent year of data available? [3 pts]
Finally, I would like you to think about how statistics might be used in the workplace. Hypothetically, what is one example of a health statistic (from any source) you could use as evidence to win support for childhood nutrition education? [2 pts]