ML604 Assignment – Report on Master’s study skills [ 1000 words]
Question # 45732 | Business & Finance | 3 years ago |
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ML604 Assignment – Report on Master’s study skills
One Task
Students are required to write a report discussing acculturation and the benefits of inclusive practice that includes a reflection on their skills and a plan for personal and professional development.
Studying for a master’s degree in a UK business school is a multi-cultural experience, and will be a good preparation for a management role within globalised business communities. In this short assignment you are asked to summarise key aspects of acculturation and inclusive management practice from your reading of the literature. You are also required to reflect on the outcomes of the diagnostics tests, and any feedback received from fellow students and tutors, and to put these together to develop a brief personal development plan, showing how you intend to develop your master’s study skills and to become an inclusive manager.
Written Report:
Word Limit
1000 words (+/- 10%): excludes title, table of contents, references, appendices
Hand In
11th Nov at 10.00 am 2021 10am via the Assessment point in the ‘Assessment and Marks’ area of the ML604 module on MyStudies
Penalties will apply for late submission (see Course Handbook).
Extensions may only be granted by your Course Leader. See for guidance. This also includes guidance for students with LSPs in place. Please also refer to your Course Handbook as necessary.
Reporting a technical issue with submission – report to the Service Desk as soon as possible
% of module marks
Referencing Style
Harvard referencing must be used – please see your business school referencing guide in ‘My Studies’ – copy of the handbook is in the Assessment Briefing and Support folder
You must include a full list of references based on respected academic and sector sources
All the appendices listed must be included. These are not part of the word count, but marks will be lost if they are not included, as they provide the rationale to the main content.
Formatting Requirements:
1. Arial 12-point font
2. Sub-headings (where relevant) in bold
3. Harvard style referencing following the Brighton Business School Referencing Handbook (Taylor, 2019)
4. Only include items in the references that are cited in the main text.
5. 1.5 line spacing, double spacing between paragraphs.
Taylor, T. (2019) Brighton Business School Referencing Handbook, 5th Edition,Brighton: University of Brighton
Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Locate and understand the principles of how to assess and critically evaluate scholarly published work on an assigned academic topic.
LO2 Acquire academic and practical knowledge of acculturation and the benefits of inclusive practice.
LO 3 Demonstrate the ability to accurately reference a variety of source materials.
LO4 Demonstrate the ability to reflect on their skills and performance and to develop a plan for personal and professional development
The UoB (University of Brighton) Student Contract 2021-22 applies see:
Completing this assignment will require students to acquire/demonstrate UoB attributes to
enhance employability: including research, critical thinking, time management, planning,
organising, self-motivation and literacy skills.
This report is intended
To evidence that as a student you understand the meaning of acculturation and the benefits of inclusive management .
To evidence that you know how to use academic theory and concepts to support the point you are making
To evidence that you can reference appropriately
To enable you to reflect on your current skill set and identify areas for development.
Suggested structure
Word count is indicative
- Title Page including word count
- Executive Summary – one paragraph detailing what the report highlights.
- List of Contents
- List of Tables and Figures (where appropriate)
- Introduction – Up to 100 words detailing what the report is about
- Acculturation and inclusive management – Up to 500 words discussing the concepts of acculturation and the benefits of inclusive practice. This should include a supported discussion using at least two academic theories or models that are fully referenced.
- Up to 400 words reflecting on the outcomes from the diagnostic tests and any other feedback which you have received from fellow students and tutors.
- A Personal development plan, which is linked to these reflections, and using the proforma provided in the ‘Study Materials my studies. The proforma will enable you to present your PDP in tabular form, and is not included in the overall word count of 1000 words.
- Reference list
- Appendices (if needed)
Formative Assessment Task:
A pre submission assessment workshop will be held to provide peer-to-peer on students’ approach to the assessment.
Assessment Criteria Marking and Feedback
The following criteria will be used to assess this piece of work, in addition to the generic University Undergraduate Grading Criteria Students will be supported with assessment briefing and assessment workshops and support materials during the module.
Area % age of marks available
Locate and understand the principles of how to assess and critically evaluate scholarly published work on an assigned academic topic. 20
Academic and practical knowledge of acculturation and the benefits of inclusive management. 20
Demonstrate the ability to accurately reference a variety of source materials 20
Demonstrate the ability to reflect on their skills and performance and to develop a plan for personal and professional development 20
Presentation and structure 20
Total 100
The assignment will be marked according to the criteria outlined in the ‘Marking Criteria’ above.
The UoB Student Contract 2021-22 applies see:
Feedback: Individual feedback and feedforward will be provided by 8th December.
Support and guidance:
Assignment support will be provided during the group tutorials scheduled for w/c 17th January 2022
The Writing Advisory Service (CAELD (Centre for Academic English Language Development)) is available to you as a resource to give feedback on written
work, prior to submission. Please allow five working days for a response. For information see:
For queries about the assignment, contact Adam Jones *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes*
Good Academic Conduct
Good academic conduct can be defined as ‘academic conduct characterised by integrity and good practice’. The University expects all students to inform themselves of the academic conventions for correctly citing and acknowledging the work of others. Poor academic practice normally arises through lack of following academic conventions by a student not yet familiar with the assessment practices of the University. Hence their work may include unattributed or incorrectly referenced material that is very similar to the original source. However, ‘Academic Misconduct’ is normally an attempt to gain unfair advantage by e.g., purposeful plagiarism, collusion, cheating, ghosting or falsification of data.
As a student at the University of Brighton, you are expected to follow rules and regulations around academic conduct. You can find further details in the Student Contract and Student Charter areas of the University website. For detailed guidance on all matters relating to academic conduct/misconduct, please refer to GEAR (General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses) here.
Penalties for plagiarism, collusion, cheating, ghosting and falsification of data may include being marked at zero for the assignment, zero for the module or even harsher penalties. A similar penalty is applied for cheating in examinations. Repeat offences carry stiffer penalties. Please read your course handbook to ensure you properly understand what we mean by plagiarism, collusion, cheating, ghosting and falsification of data, so that you can avoid these academic pitfall