Question # 45882 | Social Science | 3 years ago |
$35 |
Following on from Part A assignment you will need to address the reasons for this socio-spatial polarisation between the two suburbs, and how they reflect socio-economic changes in the Sydney region more generally.
In your response to this assessment (Part B), you should relate your reflections to:
Ø Globalisation and transitioning to the new economy
Start answering this question by explaining what socio-spatial polarisation means (definition is required-from readings/articles chosen) and use the data collated for Sections 1 and 2 of your response to Part A as supporting evidence.
WORD LIMIT: 600 words- in the Template provided/attached
‒ You MUST reference at least 2 of the academic sources (journal articles, book chapters or books)-please find attached under TASK ADVICE
‒ You MUST discuss the transition to the new economy You can also draw on other relevant theories or concepts covered in the unit.
‒ You MUST draw on the data you collected for your Part A submission to support your argument.
*** To help with continuing from Part A, then Part A assignment will be provided once tutor is chosen***