HLTH 4380 Final Project Instructions updated Fall
Question # 45891 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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HLTH 4380
Final Project Instructions
Project Overview: The objective for this project is to show your mastery of the information resources available to you as a healthcare professional.
Create an “information pack” inspired by a recent health-related issue.
· You can choose how to present your information pack. You could choose:
o Word Document
o PowerPoint
o Website or Wiki
o PDF Magazine layout
o Other format of your choice
o If you have concerns about your chosen format, contact me for approval.
· You must complete 5 sections for a complete project.
Mandatory sections (Do both 1 and 2):
1: Identify a health issue from news or media (more detail to follow) (15pts)
2: Professional research Articles and Conference Papers (20pts)
Elective sections (Choose any three):
A: Reference Sources (20pts)
B: Books (20pts)
C: Government Sources and Statistics (20pts)
D: Video and Images (20pts)
E: Consumer health information sources (20pts)
· Organization: (5pts)
Your information package must be presented in a clear and professional manner making it easy for your readers to easily navigate to desired sections.
The entire project will be graded out of 100 points. One additional elective section may be completed for extra credit.
· Your chosen topic will be due in Week 4 to make sure you have chosen an appropriate issue for the project.
· Specific instructions for each section of the project (including elective sections) will be posted alongside the corresponding week’s lesson and assignments so you can work on them as you go.
· The entire project will be due at the end of the semester (Due date is in the syllabus).
The following pages contain the instructions for each section. (Same as has been previously posted.)
Section 1 (15pts, Required):
Re-read the news or magazine story you selected as your topic inspiration in week 4 of the course.
You are now the director or head of a professional organization that relates to the issue in the news story. As the introduction to your final project, share your job title and a little bit about your imaginary career. (Make it up; but think about what you would want your career to look like).
Write a brief summary of the situation. I will be looking for the following elements:
· Define your job title and the organization you are working for
· Describe how your organization relates to the issue in the news story you have chosen.
· What are your information responsibilities to your colleagues? (What information do they need to do their jobs in this situation?)
· What are your information responsibilities to your patients/clients (What info do they need to deal with the problem, that they might not know how to get for themselves?)
· How will you be serving both these sets of needs?
Please use the same topic you submitted in week 4 unless you have discussed a change with your professor.
Be sure to provide a citation in APA format and a PDF or link to the story.
Citation Formats:
Article in a Magazine or Newspaper
Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Year, Month day). Article title. Magazine Title, issue number, pages.
Webpage Article
Author, A. A. & Author B. B. (Date of publication). Title of page [Format description when necessary]. Retrieved from https://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
Professional Research
Find 4 examples of recent (within 10 years) professional research directly related to your topic. These are articles that would help your team of colleagues address the issue. Please include:
1. A conference proceeding detailing emerging study (try to get within 3 years)
2. A clinical or controlled trial assessing a particular therapy or aspect of your topic
3. A review or meta-analysis article
4. An additional article of your choice
For each article chosen, include:
· A complete citation in APA format (see example format below).
o Objective
o Methodology
o Conclusions
o Strengths & Limitations
Then, write a short statement assessing the current research in the field as a whole. (Considering all the research together.) What kinds of questions are being investigated by researchers? Are there trends? How does the research you have found change your professional view of the topic?
Citation formats:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy
Conference Proceedings:
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of paper. Paper presented at Title of Conference: Subtitle of Conference, Location. Place of publication: Publisher. DOI (if available).
Elective Sections A-E: Choose 3 of the following optional sections to complete your Information Pack (each option is presented on a separate page)
Elective Section A: (20pts) Reference Material
Use reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, drug manuals, or indexes to find five reference entries (Definitions, Charts, illustrations, drug profiles, etc.) that could be used to help patients or healthcare professionals to understand your chosen health issue. (You may use more than one entry from the same book, website or resource.)
For each reference entry, include:
• A correct citation for each item (including a link for online access items)
• A summary or description of the entry.
• Why does this information relate to your chosen topic?
• Why might it be useful to have this information handy for your colleagues and/or patients?
Citation formats for citing a Reference Entry:
Author, A. A. (year). Title of entry. In Title of book or encyclopedia. (Vol. XX, pp. xxx-xx). Place of publication: Publisher.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of entry. In Title of book or encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www.xxxx.com/yyyyyyy
Elective Section B: Books (20pts)
Find three books or Ebooks that relate to your health issue. One should be appropriate to share with a patient or client.
For each book:
· Provide a complete APA citation of the book and a summary of the book. (It is not necessary to read the book cover to cover; use the introduction or first chapter to get an idea of what the book is like. Aim for 1 to 2 pages per book.)
· The summary for each book should include:
o Authority: Give information about the qualifications of the authors (or editors) and the publisher. Are they faculty, researchers, scientists, etc.? How does this effect their credibility in the field?
o Contents: Take a look at the table of contents. Identify 1 or 2 chapters that would be particularly interesting to your team or your patients.
o Audience: Is this book for medical professionals or patient education? Explain how you know.
Citation Format:
General book
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of book. Location: Publisher.
Edited Book
Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. B. (Eds.) (Year of publication). Title of book. Location: Publisher.
Author, A.A. (Year). Title of book. [Ebook version] Retrieved from https://xxxxxxx/xxxxxx.html
Elective Section C: (20pts) Statistics and Government Sources
Find two sets of statistics that relate to your topic.
For each:
• Give a complete citation for the source.
• Describe how the statistics could help a professional understand the issue.
• Would these stats be meaningful to patients?
• What population in the US is most affected?
• Do these stats suggest a particular focus for professionals in the field?
Find two websites published by a government agency with information related to the topic.
For each:
• Give a complete citation, including a URL for the source.
• Explain what agency is responsible for the information.
• Why does that agency relate to the topic?
• How does this information help your community to understand or solve a problem?
• Does the website give readers links to additional resources?
Citation Formats:
Government Document
National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Webpage Article
Author, A. A. & Author B. B. (Date of publication). Title of page [Format description when necessary]. Retrieved from https://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
Elective Section D: (20pts) Video Resources
Using JoVe, find two video articles or clinical skills training videos that relate to your chosen health issue.
For each:
· Provide a complete citation of the video
· Review of the content. Each review should include:
o Purpose: What is the goal of the study or training that is being demonstrated? Why is this relevant to medical professionals dealing with your topic?
o Contents: Look at the chapter marks within the video. Does the organization of the bookmarks help you to understand what is happening? Do you think there are any parts of the video that are especially useful?
o Format considerations: Why might the researchers have chosen to enhance their article with video content? If you are looking at a clinical skills demonstration, are there parts of the procedure that would have been more difficult to follow if you only had text and pictures?
Include a summary for this section of your information package. In your conclusion, discuss your thoughts about video references as training tools for medical professionals. If you were leading a team, would you make use of these resources? Why or why not?
Citation Format:
Author, A. & Author, B. (year). Article title. Journal of Visualized Experiments (issue) doi:xx.xxxx/xxxxxxx
Elective Section E: (20 pts) Consumer Health Resources
Find four consumer health information sources you would choose to share with patients. For each, cite the source correctly and include a description of how the source differs from the professional sources to make the information more accessible for patients or clients.
For each:
· Provide an APA format citation and a link.
· What agency or company has produced this resource?
· What is the purpose of this health information?
· What information has been simplified or omitted to make it easier to understand?
· What problem does this resource solve for the patient?
Citation Formats:
Webpage Article
Author, A. A. & Author B. B. (Date of publication). Title of page [Format description when necessary]. Retrieved from https://www.someaddress.com/full/url/