Marketing Across Cultures assignment
Question # 46063 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$55 |
Module Title: Marketing Across Cultures
Module Code: 7BSP1271
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count
Individual Report - maximum 3,300 words
Assignment Weighting: e.g. 100% (50hrs ? work)
Coursework Submission: Time: 21:00
Method: On-line via Studynet
Coursework return Date returned to students:: 4 Working weeks from submission
Module leader Adrian Goodsall
First marker
Internal Moderator
Approved ☐
Module Board name
External Examiner
Approved ☐
Module Board date
Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1.Evaluate and apply models of environmental analysis and in particular cultural analysis
2.Evaluate and apply appropriate global marketing strategies
3.Formulate and evaluate plans for the implementation of global marketing strategies.
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
4 Gather, interpret and evaluate secondary global marketing data
5.Explain and critique different global marketing strategies
6.Advise on global marketing plans in terms of development implantation and control across cultures
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria and Mark scheme.
Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.
Assignments submitted up to one week late will receive a maximum numeric grade of:
Level 7 (PG) – 50
Plagiarism offences will receive standard penalties.
See Assessment criteria below:
Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment
The title of the assignment.
An analysis and evaluation of an SME’s global marketing strategy.
Purpose of the assessment
The aim of the assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of how a global corporation strategically and tactically designs its marketing operations across global markets and cultures.
Your Specific Instructions:
You are required to produce a report to your line manager [in Word], which identifies and critically analyses the potential impact of Culture on an SME’s marketing strategy and tactics. You are writing this report as an employee of the chosen SME to your senior marketing manager.
You are required to submit the following;
A cover sheet, not included in the word count, Title, Your Student number, a brief description of the company and its current markets and products, your word count for the report only not including references and any appendices.
Introduction / Table of contents
Select 4 marketing mix elements or strategies and suggest through reference to cultural theory why and how these may need to be adapted
Recommendations for the next three years.
References [Separate Academic from Secondary sources].
Max 3300 words.
Approach/steps to follow:
You should conduct research into an SME [Small to Medium Sized Enterprise]. You should use the EU definition of SME which you will find HERE. There are many resources available on-line. Business Source Complete is available through the Business Toolkit and will help you select an appropriate SME. There are other databases and you are not restricted to UK based companies. Below are some links, but these are not exhaustive:
From your research, illustrate and explain through reference to academic theory, cultural models and frame works, issues that may impact upon your chosen SME’s global marketing strategy and tactics.
A guide to the topics that you should consider are the topics and their cultural implications that are covered in this module. See the weekly schedule of topics covered under “Units”.
Reference list (at least 15 references, with at least 10 academic [journal articles and books], please separate academic from secondary sources).
Give full details, following CASE Harvard Referencing guidelines.
Appendices must be linked to the body of the work – do not include if not referred to in the report.
All models, frameworks and charts should be applied. Do not just cut and paste from textbooks or lecture/teaching material.
It is essential that:
You show ability to describe and apply theoretical concepts and then use examples from your SME as illustrations.
You do not make unsubstantiated assertions, references must back up your in-text statements
You use Harvard Referencing throughout this report, linking theory to this practical business example.
You do NOT engage in primary research for this task.
Show awareness of other aspects of marketing to convince the marker that you understand the subject.
Read and use a range of recent academic resources, e.g. books, journals, websites for Mintel reports, Business Source Complete, etc.
Do NOT use Wikipedia/ company website references alone nor should you use Student/ Essay websites
Paraphrasing others’ views and citing/referencing the relevant source, is generally better than using direct quotes
Check grammar, use UK spelling and try to use PEEEL to structure your main paragraphs. For more details, attend your Academic English for Business (AEB) classes or refer to CASE
Evidence of independent thought and original applications may improve your mark
Use Arial Font size 12 and double spacing between paragraphs.
WE use plagiarism software so do not copy and paste from websites or other sources and you should not share your work with other students. You must run your work through Turnitin before submission.
Submission Instructions
You should follow a report structure using headings and sub-headings. Include an appendices if necessary, but these MUST be referred to in the report. These will not be included in the word count. You must reference any sources of information used. All references stated at the end MUST be used in the report.
Cover sheet to include:
Module title; Code; Report Title; No Name as it must be submitted anonymously, your SRN [student member Number], Word Count.
Please use Arial font size 12 throughout
Word count – Absolute Maximum, 3,300 words. (Not plus 10%)
You must submit a copy anonymously on StudyNet on the due date. The file name should follow the following structure:
SRN Number.docx [Example 704885.docx]
Student Support and Guidance
· For further help, contact your module leader in their drop-in hours or by email.
· Use the Grading Criteria and Mark Scheme to help improve your work.
· Go to CASE workshops, use the CASE website and drop-in hours
· Academic English for Business [AEB] support will be made available, specific details will published by the AEB Tutor.
- Make full use of Library search to identify relevant academic material and the ‘Subject Toolkit for Business’ which contains links to other Information Databases and the Information Management contact details. (
· Some tutors allow students to test their work using Turnitin. Guidance on submission to Turnitin via StudyNet can be found by using the following link.$FILE/TURNITIN+FOR+STUDENTS+2016+USER+GUIDE.pdf
PG Grading Criteria for HBS Individual Report [ please see the last page of attached file]
be carefully follow instructions.
Complete details are in the attached file. please follow instructions carefully, this work is very very very important for me. please follow Grading criteria Outstanding. i need 90-100%, please
Thank you.