7BSP0353-0901 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY [1200 words Harvard style]
Question # 46106 | Writing | 3 years ago |
$20 |
- Word limit 1200 words (+/-10%) (references are excluded from the word count)
- Your answer should be illustrated wherever possible by examples
- Candidates are permitted to retain this question paper
Your answer will be subject to electronic checking for plagiarism. It must be written in your own words (except for quotations), be properly referenced and conform to an essay structure. That is, it must have an introduction stating the scope of the answer, paragraphs that focus on specific building blocks of the answer, and a conclusion that is based on the content of the answer and directly relates back to the subject of the answer. Your essay must be written as a continuous discussion with no sub-headings or bullet points. The discussion must be supported by theory, examples, data and references cited in the text. A list of references must be provided at the end of your essay, which must cite predominantly book/journal articles and authoritative sources.
As is normal practice in the Business School, anyone found to have plagiarised material is likely to fail the module and may be subject to other disciplinary procedures.
This paper consists of THREE questions, ANSWER ONE QUESTION ONLY
1: National security interests and trade are becoming increasingly intertwined. Assess the extent to which this undermines trade theory.
2: Evaluate the drivers of cross-border merger and acquisition activity.
3: The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted economies around the world and led to a global economic contraction. Governments attempted to cushion their economies through increased spending, while revenues fell. Consequently, government deficits and debt increased. Discuss the significance of high government deficit and debt levels for fiscal policy and economic growth in the coming years.