Assignment 2 - Case Study Reflection on Perusall
Question # 46112 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$8 |
The Assignment 2 adopts AI technology and takes place in Perusall software, an external system assess your reading and engagement with the weekly case study.
Please follow the Assignment Brief: Assignment 2 - Case Study Reflection (20%)-1.docx Download Assignment 2 - Case Study Reflection (20%)-1.docx
for the detailed and comprehensive introduction to Perusall and the Assignment.
Very briefly, in order to complete this Assignment, you need to act on the following:
- Firstly, to register a Perusall account (Links to an external site.) ONLY using your University's email address *This Text is Removed by Studyfull for Privacy & Security Purposes* and then select Enrol in Course and enter the course code DU-MUKME
- Then, before any tutorials, you need to log into Perusall so to read and engage with the Case Study of the week.
- As you go though the case study in Perusall, you are required to make 5 qualitative and reflective comments (≥ 30 words each comment) per case study. The comments can be anything about your feelings, analysis, discussion, critique and learning on any points as outlined in the case study. You may also pose questions on particular points as discussed in the case study. This is also for the preparation of your live tutorials when you will be discussing the case studies with your peers and tutors.
- Once your comments are submitted, the Perusall system will automatically propose a score based on your reading and engagement (in the form of comments). The score will be imported to StudyNet/Canvas gradebook later and translated to the contribution of your overall module mark.
👉 Follow my Secret Sauce™ recipe to maximise your score...
- Take your time and read to the end!
- Annotate 5 passages of text and leave a meaningful comment or question (≥30 words) for each of the annotations!
- Try to distribute your annotations throughout the reading!
Detailed instructions on how to use Perusall for the BRM Assignment 2 can be found from:
- Instruction on How to Use Perusall for BRM Assignment 2.pdf Download Instruction on How to Use Perusall for BRM Assignment 2.pdf
- (Links to an external site.)
Enjoy your new experience with Perusall.