Photographic Essay- 1000 words
Question # 46120 | Social Science | 3 years ago |
$35 |
This is a follow-on from the Draft of the Introduction I had to produce earlier. (have attached this- with the feedback)
The Photographic essay question is as follows:
What are the benefits and challenges of ethnic diversity evident in the cultural landscape of Sydney?
- 1000 words
- During your independent fieldwork you must collect photographs and other data (eg observations) for
integration into your photographic essay. You should ensure that you record the location of each
photograph you take, the subject of the photograph and the time and date the photograph was taken.
Use this information to construct a caption for each photograph you use. I HAVE PROVIDED THE 5 x PHOTOS
- You should use at least five relevant academic sources. Please use at least two of your own resources relevant to Harris Park NSW- Sydney. I have attached the list recommended by the uni.
- Broadly, one-third of the marks in the essay will be allocated according to your presentation of the photographs, the relevance of the photographs collected and their integration with the text of your essay (eg you need to show how the photographs support the key points you make about your suburb). The other two-thirds of your marks will be determined by the structure and content of your argument (eg how coherent is your argument, whether your ideas make sense and whether you use appropriate references to the academic literature).
- In your essay, use the most recent Census data when appropriate. Check out the Australia Bureau of Statistics website
- Acknowledge all sources. Even if paraphrasing or summarising, the author and date still need to be mentioned. Avoid online dictionaries and Wikipedia.
- Structure your essay. Have an introduction that is aligned with a conclusion. The introduction should be a road map for the essay and present your key argument and/or theory, define your case study, etc. The conclusion must address the points raised in the introduction.
- Address the essay question being answered. Pick out keywords. Make sure you have done what the
question asks. If it says, “critically evaluate”, ensure that you have done so.
- As part of your submission for Part B of the Photographic essay, you will need to complete a
Feedback/Feed-Forward report based on feedback you have received on your Statistical Report and
Photographic Essay Part A. Note that the Feedback/Feed-Forward sheet is worth 10% of the photographic
****I have attached the following to assist you:
- Draft of the introduction with feedback provided
- 5x Photos required in order to do the essay
- Resources to choose from- ONLY 3 OUT OF THEM- 2 you will need to provide
- Marking Rubric
- Essay sample which received a High Distinction