one page assignment
Question # 46122 | Writing | 3 years ago |
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Assignment Details HUMA-1301.990: Intro to Humanities I
1. Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents (1941, 1948).
2. Vladimir Lenin, "The State of the Revolution" (1917)
3. Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Human Emotions (1947)
1. Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring — selection (1913)
2. Schoenberg, Pierrot Lunaire — selection (1912)
3. Scott Joplin, "Maple Leaf Rag"
4. Louis Armstrong, "Hotter Than That" (1927)
5. Robert Xavier Rodriguez, Frida [Kahlo] (1991)
Once you have selected the work that you would like to discuss, you will submit your response, which should be guided by the following questions:
1. In the work you have selected, to what extent does the work reflect prominent values in the modernist (early 20th century) world?
o Remember to point to specific You do not have to address many of them. It is more important to discuss as fully as you can the values you find to be present in the work you have chosen.
2. What is the purpose (as far as you can tell) of the work you have chosen? How do you know (or how is it made apparent to the reader/viewer)?
3. To what extent does the medium (text, visual, etc.) affect the overall presentation of the source?
These questions are not exhaustive, just as they should not limit too much what you would like to discuss. In other words, be careful not to treat this response as a checklist of information that you need to provide. These questions are meant to inform your response, not to be your response. In addition, you do not need to (or should) conduct any research online. The book will be quite helpful in offering you background information for your understanding of the sources.
Also, remember that over the course of the term, you will have to respond to at least one source from the categories listed above (visual arts, literature, philosophy/science, and music). For this module, there are four categories available to you.
If you decide to write about a musical work, you will need to locate the work online (they shouldn't be too difficult to find).