Short answers
Question # 46228 | Social Science | 3 years ago |
$30 |
This assessment is based on the materials covered across the whole unit. It requires you to apply existing knowledge and skills that you have learned in completing the unit so far, as well as to reflect on the relevance of what you've learned in the career that you aspire to have in the future.
To complete this activity you will need to demonstrate:
- Your understanding of the concepts covered in the unit ;
- Your ability to collect and utilise data; and
- An ability to apply your knowledge to a range of real world examples.
Format: 8 short answer questions as part of
Use all stimulus material provided in Template along with
references to unit readings (attached) and online materials. You should
provide citations and references for any sources you use (lectures and tutorial
slides not included).
Weighting: 40%
Length: 150-200 words per question (+/-10%)
Please find attached:
-Template which needs to be used
-Marking rubric
-Weeks lectures attached as per questions in template