Culture, Socialization, Society & Groups.
Question # 46327 | Social Science | 3 years ago |
$6 |
Briefly acquaint yourself with the Encyclopedia Britannica entry about Georg Simmel.
Afterward read a couple of pages from these excerpts from The Metropolis and Mental Life. Chapter 1 by George Simmel.
Please discuss this reading assignment in light of the reading materials for this unit. And be sure to include in-text citation and reference.
Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.). Georg Simmel. In Briticannica. Retrieved October 30, 2020 from
Simmel, G. (1950). The Metropolis and Mental Life. Chapter 1. In Weinstein, D. (Ed.). The Sociology of Georg Simmel. Trans. K. Wolff. (pp. 409-424). Free Press.!AinrwOj8qWxwjWAqb4ZNxUNJve0K
Additional reference:
Little, W. (n.d.). Introduction to Sociology 1st Canadian Edition. Opentextbc.Ca.