AOD issues and responses for a target group Australia there is 21 question
Question # 46595 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$20 |
For this task, you need to choose one (1) target group from the list below and answer the questions that follow about your chosen group. Your answers for all should total approximately 1000 words.
NB: You will need to do some research beyond the information provided in the learning materials to be able to answer the questions well. An Internet search is a good place to start.
Target Groups
· Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
· Prisoners
· Young people
· People from non-English speaking backgrounds (you can choose a specific background if you wish)
· Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/intersex (GLBTI) people (you can choose one of these groups if you wish)
· People in rural or remote regions of Australia
Answer the following five (5) questions.
1. How does society and/or the media generally view or portray this group? What are some of the stereotypes about this group? You need to provide examples to support your conclusions, i.e. a brief survey of people you know, or evidence from newspapers or TV programmes.
2. How might this group’s alcohol and other drugs use be influenced by social, cultural or environmental factors?
3. What are some of the important issues for this group with regard to their alcohol and other drugs use? You must research the National Drug Strategic Framework and analyse the impact on service delivery, as well as consider:
- The impact that alcohol and other drugs use has on the health of the target group
- Legal problems that arise.
- Financial issues and the consequences for relationships, including family, work and friends.
4. How has alcohol and other drugs use changed over time, and how has this affected this group?
5. What types of services or projects would be useful to minimise the harms of alcohol and other drugs use for members of this group? Briefly explain how they might be useful in minimising harms. Think about services or projects that focus on the alcohol and other drugs user in the context of their environment and social influences.
Part 2: Case Study
Read the following case study and answer the six (6) questions that follow.
Case Study
Max is a 43 year-old man who has had unstable housing for many years and is currently staying in a short-term accommodation service for people with diagnosed mental illnesses. He was diagnosed with bipolar 1 a long time ago and, although medicated, he still has episodes of mania where he believes he is immortal. He has had ongoing issues with gambling, to the extent that he is now under a financial guardianship.
You are an accommodation support worker in the service, and your role is to support residents to develop a recovery plan, obtain longer-term housing and assess and strengthen their support networks.
1. Describe the communication techniques you would use with Max to develop and maintain respect, hope, trust and self-direction.
2. What steps would you take to provide and/or adapt your services to meet Max’s needs?
3. Identify the barriers Max may experience in directing his own recovery. How would you work with Max to address these?
4. Whilst complying with your legal and ethical responsibilities, how would you work respectfully with Max during episodes when he believes he is immortal?
5. Research and briefly describe Max’s rights regarding financial guardianship. What could you do to support him to understand and exercise his rights?
6. Max asks to be referred to a peer support service for people with bipolar 1. What information would you include in the referral?
Part 3
Answer the following four (4) questions.
1. What are the benefits of seeking feedback from your colleagues, supervisors and the people you help?
2. Describe the steps you would take when seeking feedback from clients, colleagues or supervisors.
3. Explain how you would use the feedback you receive to improve professionally.
4. What is the purpose of monitoring and following up with the person you help?
Part 4: Research and summarise models of AOD practice
Research two (2) of the following models of alcohol and other drugs practice.
Briefly summarise the theories and evidence behind each approach, and how it may be beneficial. Ensure you reference your information sources.
· Moral model
· Disease model
· Psychodynamic model
· Social learning model
· Social-cultural model
· Public health model, including systems approach
· Stages of Change (or the Trans theoretical Model)
Part 5
Answer the following two (2) questions.
1. Mental health treatment in Australia has changed a lot since the establishment of the first asylums in the 1800s.
Identify a change relevant to each of the four (4) contexts below:
a) Historical context, including changing approaches to working with people with mental health issues.
c) Social context, including changing societal views of mental health.
e) Political context, including government policies and initiatives.
g) Economic context, including how the current economic situation affects the mental health sector and people with mental health issues.
2. Identify three (3) myths about mental illness and describe why they are wrong or unhelpful.