an reflection [800-900 words ]
Question # 46696 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$15 |
Assessment 4 - Submit 3 Project Reflections
The Project Reflections are to be in an agreed format and submitted throughout the placement period as negotiated with the Liaison person. Your Liaison person will provide feedback on your reflections.
Students are encouraged to complete the reflections in the workplace, logging the time towards your placement hours.
» Students who take reflections 'home' to complete or find themselves' too busy' to complete within their placement hours should know that this is a flag to all stakeholders that you have forgotten that you are a 'student' not a 'worker'.
Aligned subject learning outcomes
• Demonstrate and apply knowledge of values, ethics and professionalism in social work practice • Describe, reflect on and engage in culturally responsive and inclusive practice • Explain the knowledge for social work practice and higher level systemic influences on people in order to implement knowledge into social work practice • Demonstrate an appropriate level of interpersonal and communication skills informed by reflections on use of self • Demonstrate information recording and sharing strategies within the placement context • Actively participate in professional development and supervision.
Aligned professional standards/ competencies
AASW Standard 6.3 The social worker uses ongoing reflection on practice in order to enhance the development of their skills, knowledge and understanding
AASW Standard 6.4 The social worker views their own development as an ethical practitioner as essential.
AASW Standard 6.3 The social worker uses ongoing reflection on practice in order to enhance the development of their skills, knowledge and understanding
AASW Standard 6.4 The social worker views their own development as an ethical practitioner as essential.
write an reflection on this pdf attached "UNSW_Understanding_Behaviour_Support_Practice_Guide_Children9to18_colour_0.pdf"
write an reflection on this topic pdf and follow instructions and edit the given space in provided template