3 Short Questions - 150 words each
Question # 46940 | Social Science | 2 years ago |
$7 |
Requirement: You need to respond to all three questions listed below. Each response should be between 125-150 words. You have to use the readings provided, however, you can also use your other references for higher mark.
Question 1. WEEK FOUR Draw on the Hall (2003) reading to explain what kinds of ‘stable, continuous and unchanging frames of reference’ the colonisation of Australia provides for those who live here. Then, provide example/s of ways that ‘discontinuity’ may affect the interpretation of colonisation and the impact this might have on cultural identity.
Question 2. WEEK FIVE Choose an example of a discourse. Use Hall (1997) to identify and discuss your chosen discourse and explain what behaviours and ideas are ‘ruled in/out’. Then draw on hooks (1990) to identify and discuss who is at the centre/margins of your discourse, and suggest a relevant counter-hegemonic discourse.
**Some examples chosen are gender, same sex couple, education, nudity etc.***
Question 3. WEEK SIX Select a newspaper article that provides an example of a race-based incident or event. Draw on the work of Durie (2004) to identify the difference between racism and whiteness/white privilege in your example. In your response, explain whether ‘whiteness as identity’ and/or ‘whiteness as authority’ is evident, giving specific reasons why.
***I have attached the required readings for each question & also the marking rubric ****Attachments:
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