7BSP0355 Case Analysis(Cake/Assessed groupdiscussion or Individual Presenta
Question # 47044 | Writing | 2 years ago |
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Case Study Companion- Summative (Worth 43% of the module marks).
In coursework 2, each student is expected to select one company from the list of 11 companies below, to conduct critical strategic analysis of the company using key module frameworks. The key points must be supported with evidence or examples from credible sources. Engagement with at least one of the weekly discussion articles is expected in the referenced resources. In researching the selected company each student will be required to complete the Case Analysis Companion (pronounced Cake) to be submitted individually.
Select one of the companies listed above and use the overaching question below and the questions under each unit in the Case Analysis Companion. Complete all questions in the Case Analysis Companion and submit this summative task individually 11pm on 15th May, 2022.
Choice of companies for coursework 2 (Select one company): Deloitte (UK), DP World(UAE), Naspers (South Africa), Medtronic (Ireland), Meta (USA), Sea Limited (Singapore), Prada (Italy), Nestle (Switzerland), Airbnb (US),Qantas (Australia), Notco (Chile), Apple (US).
Overaching Question
Using both the outside-in and inside-out analytical frameworks, critically analyse your selected company’s external and internal environment, and identify the strategic issues it needs to address in the short, medium and long term. From your analysis what are your company’s major opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses? Use module theory to generate strategies your company can draw upon in addressing the strategic issues you have identified, and recommend a way forward for its strategic direction in the short, medium and long term. Support your arguments with academic theory.
Specific instructions
- This is a summative assessment and is worth 43% of the module mark. The companion will be marked, checked for plagiarism and feedback will be provided.
- Try not to exceed 1500 words (excluding the reference list).
- For consistency, use font size 11 calibri and 1.5 spacing between lines.
- Provide a minimum of 10 references.
- You can complete this assignment as individual task, the word limit is as follows (1250 words).
- There three options as to how you can submit coursework 2.
- You can complete and submit CAKE individually using this template (See document 1 below)
- You can submit a 5- 10 minutes individual video presentation of your company analysis. There is no word count for the presentation but limit your slides to 8. Use this submission template 7BSP0355 0206 Individual presentation submission template 2022 (IBS)(1).docx Download 7BSP0355 0206 Individual presentation submission template 2022 (IBS)(1).docx
- You can continue with the original group discussion. Use this submission template 7BSP0355 0206 Group discussion submission template 2022 (IBS)(1)-1.docx Download 7BSP0355 0206 Group discussion submission template 2022 (IBS)(1)-1.docx
- 7BSP 0355 0206 Case Analysis Companion- Coursework 2 (Formative)-2-1-1.docx Download 7BSP 0355 0206 Case Analysis Companion- Coursework 2 (Formative)-2-1-1.docx
- The cognitive skills of compassionate team management.pptx Download The cognitive skills of compassionate team management.pptx
- Student Quick Guide to Zoom Meetings.pdf
- Recommendation matrix.docx Download Recommendation matrix.docx
- 7BSP0355 0206 Group discussion submission template 2022 (IBS)(1).docx Download 7BSP0355 0206 Group discussion submission template 2022 (IBS)(1).docx
my friend provided you all material already please download from below link
and the company i have selected
"Nestle Switzerland" company i have selected for coursework 2 you done my coursework 1 i hope you remeber.