Individual Poster - 70% of total grade
Question # 47056 | Management | 2 years ago |
$25 |
Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:
You can choose one of the six questions below and make an A0 poster as a PDF. There is no need to print the poster, a submission as PDF is what you are supposed to do. You should strictly avoid adding redundant information to the poster such as the definition of supply chain management, the China population, the definition of sourcing, etc. The contents of the poster should be very concise and to the point (the audience to the poster is the supply chain experts with a very good knowledge of SCM, so they do not need basic definitions) and all relate to the question you are addressing. Use of graphs and tables are highly recommended as well as innovative visualization techniques. However, please note that copy/pasting figures (with even citing the source) is forbidden and you will be penalised for that. In a nutshell, if you want to use a chart or demonstration or anything visual, you must draw it yourself and cite the source (no snapshots or copy/pasting). Be careful with citing sources and avoid resourceful plagiarism (refer to as these can lead to a failure in the module.
1.How would the FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) supply chain change in the next ten years in terms of customer relationship management, logistics, technology, sustainability and ethics?
2.What are the major benefits of data analytics in the healthcare supply chain?
3.How has the rise of China and India as economic powers affected the supply chain risks for international supply chains?
4.How would manufacturers that need electronic components/modules combat material shortages and longer lead time?
5.What role will IoT (Internet of Things) play to ensure value is delivered with regards to cost efficiency and responsiveness in International Supply Chain Management?
6.What is the effect of AI (artificial intelligence) in international supply chain management?
The reference list should be submitted as a separate PDF.
Instructions for Making Your Poster
- Please read carefully
- Justify lines in your poster
- You can use sources online to learn how to make a poster and I would thoroughly recommend you start learning it before getting the questions
- The poster size is A0 (841 mm by 1189 mm)
- The title of your poster should be the question you have chosen and below, you should write your name
- You can design your poster vertically or horizontally
- The font size can be anything between 22 and 28
- Use one and only one font (Times New Roman or Arial) everywhere in the poster (text, header, footer, figures, tables, footnotes, ...)
- Your poster should be one page only
- Please note that adding anything from the lecture slides will not add value to your poster
- Use of graphics, figures and tables are highly recommended as long as you draw them yourself and properly cite the reference for the data. This can be a line chart representing a trend in sales of smartphones or a pie chart showing the market share of a product in Malaysia or a table with the data on the adoption of a technology by different sectors of industry. Note that the fonts in figures and tables should be identical to the font in text. In a nutshell, there should not be any font used in the poster but Times New Roman or Arial (One of the two, whichever you prefer)
- You can have sections and subsections in your poster (as I did in the sample) or not
- The coherence of your poster matters. The analogy often used is liquid honey which flows smoothly and sticks together
- You should avoid explaining a real-world case, instead you should provide the reference to it. Your poster showcases your understanding, analysis and creativity. Hence, writing 200 words about how company XYZ did this or that will not add value to your poster. However, including its reference in the poster supports your argument and highly recommended
- Avoid any type of plagiarism including resourceful citer (
- There is no need to submit a hard copy of your poster, simply make a PDF and submit
- Carefully proof-read the whole poster before submission
- It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with copyright laws and not using any copyrighted material in your poster. Please note that not respecting this rule can lead to being penalised.
- Add an abstract of 50-100 words
- Do not copy graphics and tables from online sources, books, journals, magazines, ... as they may be subject to copyright laws
- Do not overuse graphics and tables in the poster as the content of the poster and your analysis have the lion’s share of the overall mark
- Check your work with Turnitin before submission
- Do not add your references to the poster. Instead, using the Harvard Referencing rules, make a separate PDF with lines justified and submit with your work
- Spell out numbers under 10 (zero through nine), and write the numbers above 10. For instance, ”There has been two cases so far in which 1,290 people were identified”
- Consistently use the thousands separator for numbers above 999 and not for years such as 2018
- Justify all your lines
- Avoid any redundant information and focus on the question
- Do not use contractions such as haven’t, doesn’t, don’t, ...
- Consistently use either British or American spelling
- Avoid any information from Wikipedia or any other openly editable and viewable resource
- Place figure captions below
- Place table captions above
- Avoid vertical borders in tables. Only use borders on top and bottom of the first row and one on the bottom of the last
- Please submit one PDF only. Note that 50% of students will be asked to submit the source file (ppt, tex, ...) following the submission and 25% will be invited to the module leader’s office within ten days of submission to discuss the contents of the poster
Late submission of your course work will be penalised in accordance with the rules of the Business School - see your postgraduate student handbook.
Any specific instructions:
You will need to submit it in StudyNet by 19th May 2022 before 6 PM.
Marking Scheme:
Category Weighting
Presentation and Structure 20%
Harvard Referencing 5%
Research & Content 30%
Application 15%
Discussion, Analysis and Critical Evaluation 30%
Total 100