Power Point (Uhumanitarian Concern in Iraq)
Question # 47074 | Political Science | 2 years ago |
$20 |
Your final project will highlight a CURRENT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION AND/OR HUMANITARIAN CONCERN in Iraq, but will also connect the other topics that you have written in your essays.
How to show the human rights violation/humanitarian concern connected to unit assignments:
• Is it because of economic conditions?
• Is it from war?
• Is it a result of government suppression?
• It may not connect all of the topics you have discussed over the course of the module but you must connect as many as you can and explain in your captions the connection of photo to violation/concern.
• It is strongly recommended that you collect photos as you complete your research for each unit assignment essay/paper.
• You may need or want to include other visuals such as maps, charts, etc. to help you create a more complete picture of Iraq
• Be creative in choosing how to present your photos by PowerPoint.
• You must include a formal reference page that is written in APA format. It may be wise to keep a running bibliography for all essays and photos.