Annotated Bibliography- 500 words
Question # 47093 | Social Science | 2 years ago |
$23 |
Unit: Crime & Deviance
Topic: Masculinity theory & Domestic violence
Based on your selected topic address the following question:
Question: "Critically examine how the theoretical framework helps us to better understand the selected crime in modern Australian society and analyse ONE Australian criminal justice policy or practice related to the selected crime through the lens of the theoretical framework."
STEP 1: Research and annotated TWO different sources that will be used to address the essay question.
Of these two sources one MUST be a peer reviewed journal article (Scholarly) and the second can be, either;
- A second peer reviewed journal article (Scholarly) or
- One newspaper article (Non-scholarly) or
- One government report (Scholarly) or
- One book chapter (Scholarly)
Based on the above, at least one of your two sources MUST be a peer reviewed journal article.
STEP 2: Having identified your two sources, you are to summarise and evaluate each source in relation to its relevance to your selected topic. Each must be 250 words (500 words in total). You are permitted 10% +/- leniency)
STEP 3: Use the template attached is available for download as a Word document. We recommend you use it to help structure this assessment.