7BSP1172 Global e-Business [Group Work ASG2]
Question # 47162 | Writing | 2 years ago |
$20 |
The second piece of group coursework requires students to pitch (develop and justify) a social campaign for an e-business based on a customer journey evaluated in the first individual report. This pitch will be in the form of a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation to be viewed by the Senior Management of the e-business. So, no video is required.
It is critical that the customer journey that students evaluated in the first assignment is comprehensive enough to help them to identify appropriate promotional channels for their chosen e-commerce business.
Where to find further guidance for this group work?
Throughout the module, we talked about social media and its role to ecommerce conversion rates and customer journeys. The following lectures, in particular, offer you further guidance for this group work:
- Ecommerce Design and Marketing
- Online Retail and Services
- Customer Journey
However, what happens if you need more help? If you do then please note that we have also prepared a set of PowerPoint slides that can be used as a guidance for you to complete your work. The slides can be found and downloaded using the following link: Social Media Campaign Template - As a Reference Only.pptx Download Social Media Campaign Template - As a Reference Only.pptx
Important note to all students:
All employers are keen to recruit postgraduates who are able to co-operate, solve problems and work in teams to bring cost-effective ideas to measure their presence in the digital economy. As less hierarchical organisations have emerged with project teams, self-managed work teams and management teams, so the requirements to “Communicate well with people” and to “work with and through others” have become increasingly important.
Teamwork involves working confidently within a group, contributing your own ideas effectively, taking a share of the responsibility, being assertive – rather than passive or aggressive, or accepting
Assignment information
You will be working in groups of 3 to 5 students. The recommendation is 4 members. The groups are randomly set but you can also request to be put in a specific group too. Group discussions are created for every group. You can use to plan, research and finalise your work through constant communication amongst your group members. This group work can be a great follow up to your individual coursework. In fact, you are allowed to select one of your individual companies for this group work.
- You will be required to develop and submit a short PowerPoint presentation of your pitch, outlining your campaign, in which you will evaluate and recommend your selected channels for promoting services or products of an e-commerce organisation of your choice.
- The presentation should be timed to last 5 minutes (within reason)
- You are required to submit a group PowerPoint presentation slides, accompanied by a written transcript of what would be said for each slide (with a time estimate for each slide) - in pdf format to the Canvas assignment tab
- Every member of each group is required to submit the same pdf files on the assignment two sections of the module website in Canvas.
Standard Business School penalties for late submissions will apply. I.e. -10% for each day late, with a maximum of 50% being awarded for late submissions. Submissions over five days late will not be marked.
- The details of the members of the group (student is and name) must be included in your presentation. Every member of each group must include the names and student IDs of each member of the group in the notes section of the submission.
- Groups should not exceed five members. Each member of the group must explain his or her role in this project. The same mark will be given to all group members and therefore it is your own responsibility to ensure that everyone in the group is fully engaged. All group disputes should be reported to your team leader and then can be escalated to your tutor or module leader if no agreement has been reached within your group.
- You will also be required to keep a group log of your meetings and actions. Your progress needs to be Tweeted back to the module leader on a weekly basis using the module hashtag #UH7BSP1172.
Designing Presentations
Some popular tools that you might want to consider using when designing your presentations are PowerPoint (Windows), Keynote (Mac), Prezi (online), Google Docs (online), Slideshare (online), iMovie, Canvas, ScreenFlow, Camtasia, Sliderocket (online) or use Google to find other tools. You are free to use whatever application you want to put together your PowerPoint presentation.
You could consider designing Infographics like presentations. Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge. Some popular tools include Visual.ly, Creately, Bubbl, Cacoo, Stat Planet, Inkscape, Charts Bin and Google for more. Please note that you can use PowerPoint and other software to design Infographics as well.
Marking for this assignment
If you do not submit a group presentation, you will not receive any marks. If there are extenuating circumstances for your not submitting, then you should notify Hajrë Hyseni and the module team before the deadline.
All members of the group will normally be awarded the same mark. Should it become evident to the tutor marking the presentation that any member of the group has not participated fully in the development of the presentation, then the mark for that student(s) may be adjusted accordingly.
Your grade will be released at the end of the module on Canvas.
The module learning outcomes assessed for this assignment and the breakdown of marks are:
- Communicate effectively with stakeholders and builders of websites to ensure appropriate solutions
- Write a business report that examines the opportunity for strategic improvement in the current business
- Assess the importance of e-commerce concepts to an organisation's future development
What to submit?
You will need to submit 2 PDF files for your group work.
- The presentation must include:
- Presentation Title:
- Group name and all members ids and names:
- List of references (to HRS - Harvard Referencing System)
- The written transcript for each slide must include
- The words that would be spoken and any other instructions
- The length of time the slide will be shown to allow these words to be spoken
- A summary page showing the total length as between 4:30 and 5mins.
The following document provides further guidance to start and finish your PowerPoint successfully. GEB2020 7 Tutorial Asg2 practical COVID.pdf download
Please note that every group member is required to submit the same two PDF documents individually.
All the best,
Module Team
Marking Scheme
Task / Check List
Content and Quality of Argument (e.g. ecommerce literature, critical views, accuracy, and relevance; clarity of argumentation/explanation; currency of information; level of interest; level of independent research)
/ 25 marks
Linkage/Signposting (e.g. the use of signposting and frames; explicit linking between different parts of the presentation)
/15 Marks
Support materials (how appropriate are the materials for supporting the delivery of the content; how well are they used?)
/15 Marks
Planning/Organisation of the Material (e.g. use of time, evidence of prior planning; logical order of the content; introduction/ summary/ conclusion)
/15 Marks
Group functioning (e.g. how well are the roles defined and executed; how cohesive and co-ordinated does the group present itself?)
/10 Marks
Use of Language (e.g. is the language grammatical; well-articulated and understandable by others; is it audible)
/10 Marks
Overall impression (e.g. how does the entire presentation hang together/ present itself?)
/10 Marks
you have to work on on Sainsbury's company.
check the attached template you have to do my part only which is. 20,21,22 slides pages and add reference to 23 page. also you have to do my transcript for my part of these slides.