Essay 1500
Question # 47260 | Social Science | 2 years ago |
$45 |
Essay Question: Based on Masculinity theory & Domestic violence "Critically examine how the theoretical framework helps us to better understand the selected crime in modern Australian society and analyse ONE Australian criminal justice policy or practice related to the selected crime through the lens of the theoretical framework."
***Based on feedback provided in the annotated bibliography (ATTACHED), provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis to address the question. You can use the set readings used in the subject (ATTACHED), plus any additional academic and non-academic sources, so long as you use at least SIX (6) academic sources- (3 provided)
When completing the Final Essay/Report students must include the following:
- Support viewpoints with reasoned argument substantiated by relevant theoretical material and research evidence.
- Annotated Bibliography feedback and information- 2 sources within that
- Clear Thesis- outlining your argument
- Use at least SIX (6) Academic sources- 3 have been provided
- Be at least 1500 words in length (+/- 10% leniency - not including reference list).
**Marking Rubric provided***