1500 words essay
Question # 47262 | Social Science | 2 years ago |
$25 |
**1500 words Essay about Refugee***
**Please see attached Task advice for a full description of the assignment
Essay Question:
Refugees: ‘A great deal of negativity is…directed against asylum seekers, especially those who arrive by boat without a valid visa, many of whom are seen by the general public as primarily Muslim’ (Pedersen, Watt & Hansen 2006, p.106). ****You need to include this quote somewhere in your Essay and explain***
Using examples from recent media coverage, why do you think that asylum seekers arriving by boat might be seen negatively by the general public? In your response, you should consider the role of discourse, and who benefits from ‘false truths’ that work to marginalise specific groups of people. You should use the readings from the Reader, and additional academic sources, to support your argument.
****8 academic sources to be used- 6 are already provided in Task Advice***
**A clear Thesis statement needs to be provided in first paragraph outlining what you are arguing...."this essay will argue.....
A concluding paragraph stating your thesis statement,